
Students propose better facilities

The University can obtain flagship status by gaining better facilities, having a strong faculty and improving customer service for students, according to survey answers collected from UH President Renu Khator’s 100 Days Survey.

"Students were the most vocal of all the responding groups," Alan Roberts, president of InSite Survey Systems said Friday.

InSite Survey Systems collected responses from students, faculty, staff and the local community, beginning Jan. 15, when Khator began her term.

"We want to provide students with a forum to talk about ideas for the next coming months," Student Government Association President Samuel Dike said.

Khator said obtaining flagship status is difficult, but necessary for students attending UH.

"It’s not a badge of honor. It is simply because you are here. You deserve (it) and you need to compete in the global economy," Khator told students Friday. "You are going to be competing with the best and the brightest anywhere in the world."

Students raised concerns during the presentation and said UH should focus more on involving itself in the local community, having better customer service and being ethical when dealing in investments and negotiations with companies.

Khator said students must have a skill set, confidence, leadership, innovation and creativity to compete in the global economy. Attracting and retaining top students was also a goal the responses said UH needed to meet to become a flagship institution.

"I don’t want you to survive in the economy, I want you to be leading that economy," she said.

Having better facilities on campus was the main response students said would improve UH. Khator said involving the University with industries involved in energy, health and arts was important for UH to get ahead.

"Students are an active part of how we’re going to get to the next level at this University, and we want you guys to give us your suggestions and your ideas," Dike said.

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