Guest Commentary

Dr. King’s message was timeless, true

Martin Luther King Jr. Day makes me stop and give thanks for the freedom that we enjoy in this country. As an African-American, this holiday has a special meaning to me.

I was born in Alabama in 1964 right in the heart of the Civil Rights Movement, and despite being only four years old at the time, I can distinctly remember the assassination of Dr. King.

I learned at a young age the incredible impact Dr. King’s actions would have on my life. I have had so many great opportunities; opportunities which may not have been afforded me, had Dr. King not been so determined in his vision for equality.

It has enabled me to be an intercollegiate head football coach and has broken barriers enabling me to become the first African-American Football Bowl Sub-Division (FBS) head coach in the state of Texas.

On this day, I encourage everyone to take a minute to search the Internet or find a good special on TV and learn about the amazing courage of Martin Luther King Jr. and his fellow visionaries.

When you see clips of the “I Have A Dream” speech, don’t just flip the channel, listen to it and its meaning; its timeless language can inspire one today just as easily as it did 48 years ago, regardless of your gender or ethnicity.

Imagine a time when a portion of our society was not able to affect government decisions, not able to get an equal education, not able to sit down on a bus!

Now, once again, be thankful for a leader who stood up for equality and freedom for all mankind and ultimately lost his life for the cause.

Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!

Kevin Sumlin is the head coach of the University of Houston football team.

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