Student Government

SGA sends amendment to student referendum

The Student Government Association unanimously voted to send a constitutional amendment — concerning the students serving on the Court of Appeals — to the student referendum in Wednesday’s meeting in Rockwell Pavilion.

The amendment, which was proposed by SGA Chief Justice Taylor Kilroy, would prevent students from being tried in the Student Government Court of Appeals by the same people in the University Hearing Board for the same incident.

“If we had a scenario where, purely hypothetically, two candidates got in a fist fight, what would happen is the election commission would hold them responsible, as candidates. Meanwhile, the Dean of Students would hold them responsible as students,” Kilroy said.

“If these two candidates felt that these punishments were unjust or unwarranted, they could appeal them. The penalty as candidates from the election commission would go to the Court of Appeals, whereas the penalty from the Dean of Students office would appealed to the University Hearing Board.”

The issue, Kilroy said, is that the same students who serve on the University Hearing Board also sit on the SGA Court of Appeals.

“We can’t have the same people voting twice — that just isn’t fair. At the end of the day, that just doesn’t seem right. Especially in a scenario where there’s accusations of bias or something like that. You want entirely fresh eyes on both sides,” he said.

Because the SGA Constitution was created by the students, a student vote is required for the amendment to be passed, according to SGA Speaker Stephen Cronin.

The referendum may occur during next year’s general election or in a special referendum. Kilroy said the SGA wants to make sure the referendum is held at a time where students will be on campus and informed enough to vote.


Motorcycle legislation

Also discussed at the meeting was Graduate College of Social Work Senator Josephine Tittsworth’s bill that would allow motorcycles with only state issued handicap permits to park in UH handicap spaces.

Administration and Finance Committee member Isaac Norris said after talking to UH’s head of transportation, the committee learned that in order for a motorcycle to park in a handicap spot on campus with valid state permits, students just need a sticker on their license plates. The sticker can be obtained through the Department of Transportation.

Norris said the Department of Transportation is going to update its website to reflect this information.

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