Columns Opinion

Trump is the victor of second debate

The second debate sure lived up to the band U2’s description of a Sunday.

For the first time in the modern era, the two candidates did not shake hands at the outset of the debate. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the event.

Last week, I wrote a column detailing what I thought each candidate should do in the next debate. Hillary Clinton did not take my advice, for some reason, and entirely backtracked from what worked in the first debate.

Trump kind of listened to me. He was in full crisis mode and needed to stop the bleeding from Republicans. After the release of Trump’s 2005 comments on women, his only job was to somehow manage the damage.

Clinton’s missed shots

Trump did a pretty effective job. Seeing as he had such low expectations coming into the debate, all he had to really do was seem remarkably all right.

It also helped his case that Clinton decided to pull a Mitt Romney from 2012: She just disappeared from the debate. She looked extremely uncomfortable and slightly glazed over the whole debate, forgetting to do what worked the first time around.

She needed to hit the jugular and end it. The election could have been won Sunday night, but Clinton seemingly lost on that opportunity, and now she has to deal with Trump’s antics for another day.

Most people who talk about the debate will bring up the policy of the two and how they portrayed their respective plans.

None of that really matters to most people. The people actively involved in politics care, but Joe Smith from down the street won’t. What matters is the optics of each candidate and what quips they got in at each other.

This whole election is not dependent on who is the best person to run the country, but who is the least terrible.

Yes, they both said really dumb things about policy. Trump said Syria is Russia which is unfathomably ridiculous, and Clinton even said Russia is working to support Trump through hacking (and implicating WikiLeaks).

The first 30 minutes were like the first debate, meaning both candidates were like school children yelling at each other instead of talking about issues that matter.

Trumped all night

There were a few reasons Trump beat Clinton.

Clinton just wasn’t there last night — she was off, as they say. This was partly due to Trump throwing everything he could to shift the attention of him and on her.

The look of a candidate legitimately matters to voters, as seen in the first televised debate between Nixon and Kennedy.

The email questions were the pivotal point, a line of questioning she’s probably extremely tired of hearing. After a continuous slew of personal attacks, I would check out as well. Sometimes it’s just not worth it.

Secondly, Trump continuously struck the right tone through casting Clinton as a relic and hitting on everything that people hate about her. Again, this election is about whom you hate less.

Trump went for it with emails and Benghazi.

The line of the night, and possibly the election’s as well, due to how unexpected it was, was when Trump responded to Clinton by saying, “Because you’d be in jail.”

Trump actively pointed out Clinton’s hawkishness, something she had quite a hard time hiding throughout the debate. It made her look like the Clinton from 2008.

The biggest reason Clinton lost is because she didn’t attack Trump when she had a chance for some ungodly reason.

During the first debate, she figured out the formula to make Trump look worse than her. She attacked his business, his character and let him go off and destroy himself.

It baffles my mind that Clinton didn’t bring up the lewd tape in every question. She shouldn’t have ever let the voters forget that. When he said she’d be in jail, she needed to bring it back to sexual assault; it’s that easy.

The people still lose

Of course, this doesn’t mean Trump wasn’t terrible. He was just less terrible. Trump was wandering the stage, creepily standing behind Clinton and his usual incoherent ramblings didn’t make him look pleasant.

He’s always going to look bad — that’s just who Trump is.

All things considered, Trump’s goal is to make Clinton look worse, He did an alright job. I’m still not sure how he somehow translated a question about the tapes into an answer about ISIS.

Winner: Trump, barely (but mostly Ken Bone)

Loser: The country. Obviously.

Senior staff columnist Jorden Smith is a political science junior and president of the College Republicans. He can be reached at [email protected].


  • Are the American people dumb? The Progressives do.

    Trump has been rich and in the public eye for over 30 years. And no one has come forward in all that time to report anything Trump has done. There’s no record of any claims against Trump … until now … just weeks before the Presidential election.

    Obama has the audacity to flaunt his bulbous member if front of female reporters.

    Bill Clinton has the audacity to feel a stewardess the wrong way.

    Bill Clinton’s victims can be ignored by the leftist media

    Trump clearly has made point after point about Clinton … yet we get the same old rusty Progressive policies. He’s been forthcoming in his policies, and who he plans for SCOTUS replacements.

    The Leftist media don’t blame Bill Clinton for his groping video or offenses he imposed on women. They don’t blame Hillary for covering up Bill’s crimes. They have to be shamed into reporting negatively on Hillary.

    Every Presidential Election has the GOP candidate being attacked by the Leftist Media in the last days. Never on the Democrat side.

  • Yes, according to the National Enquirer, Trump should be President. Unfortunately, the country disagrees. And if you can only judge Clinton by her lack of snipes and barbs and resisting the urge to stalk Trump on stage, you’ve missed the entire point about what a presidential debate is supposed to be about. Yes, on the insult-o-meter Trump wins BIG. But that’s not much of a victory in a debate where the candidates are supposed to showcase their different policies and disagree civilly — and answer pressing media questions, none of which Trump could do, political clutz that he is. All he managed to do was go even lower on the morality scale than he was already. Clinton doesn’t need to “attack.” That is Trump’s style. And just letting him do it, was Clinton’s way of letting America see what a pathetic bully he is. So, he wins the Bully Prize. Whoo-hoo! But he won’t win the White House.

    • I smell the rotten stench of Alex J. Colvin, arrested for the alleged abuse of a young girl, back in Florida. Sounds a lot like Bill Clinton and his rape of a 13 year old girl.

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