
Campus crime report

The following is a partial report of campus crime from August 14. All information is selected from the files of the UH Police Department. The information in italics indicates when the event was reported to UHPD and the event’s location. Information or questions regarding the cases below should be directed to UHPD at (713) 743-0600.

Terroristic threat: 9:07 a.m. Wednesday, Moody Towers – A UH staff member reported that a Residential Housing housekeeper made a threatening statement about her to the housekeeping supervisor. Occurred at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 14.

Burglary: 11:11 p.m. Thursday, Moody Towers – A UH student reported that someone stole several personal items from his unattended and unsecured room located in the South Tower. There are no suspects or leads. An investigation is under way. Occurred between 9:30 and 9:40 p.m. Sunday.

Criminal mischief: 9:18 a.m. Friday, Lot 1A – A vehicle was found in Lot 1A with a shattered rear passenger window. The owner was contacted and found. Nothing was missing from the vehicle. There are no suspects and no video evidence. Occurred between 9:30 p.m. Thursday and 9:18 a.m. Friday.

Theft: noon Friday, Moores School of Music – A UH faculty member reported that someone stole his saxophone from an unsecured storage room in Moores School of Music. There are no suspects and no video evidence. Occurred between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Thursday.

Credit/debit card abuse: 1:38 p.m. Friday, McAlister’s Deli – A visitor reported that someone stole her purse and its contents while she was having lunch on the outside tables located near the McAlister’s Deli. The visitor then reported that several unauthorized purchases were made on her credit cards at off-campus locations. An investigation is under way. Occurred between 12:45 and 1:45 p.m. Friday.

Criminal mischief: 3:48 a.m. Saturday, Bayou Oaks – A student reported that after a verbal altercation with a known person that person keyed his unattended and parked vehicle, causing damage to the driver’s side panel. The same suspects admitted keying and causing damage to an additional unattended and parked vehicle. The suspect was arrested and transported to the Harris County jail and released. Occurred between midnight and 4:50 a.m. Saturday.

Burglary of a motor vehicle: 10:49 a.m. Saturday, Cullen Oaks – A UH student reported that someone burglarized his unattended and secured vehicle while it was parked in a Cullen Oaks parking lot. There are no witnesses, suspects or video evidence. Occurred between 11 p.m. Friday and 10:30 a.m. Saturday.

Traffic offense: 3:08 p.m. Saturday, Lot 19B – A student reported that someone struck his secured and unattended vehicle while it was parked in Lot 19B. The striking individual failed to leave the required information. There are no witnesses or suspects. Occurred between 8:10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Saturday.

Traffic offense: 12:59 a.m. Sunday, Cullen Oaks – A UH student reported witnessing a vehicle strike a parked vehicle in Cullen Oaks parking garage and not stop to give information. The case is active pending contact with the suspect and possible referrals being issued. Occurred between 12:57 and 12:58 a.m. Sunday.

Residential life violation, possible dangerous weapon: 1:29 a.m. Monday, Bayou Oaks – A UH Department of Public Safety officer was patrolling the Bayou Oaks parking lot when the officer observed a vehicle illegally parked. The officer observed a pistol in plain view inside the vehicle. The student was located and it was determined that the pistol was a toy gun. The student was issued student and residential life referrals for the contraband. Occurred between 1:29 and 2:07 a.m. Monday.

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