
Staff editorial: Free speech, free cookies: SFAC has it all

It’s too bad the public comment portion of the Student Fees Advisory Committee has become a running joke among the committee members. The "public comment" portion on the schedule might as well say "socialization time" or "bathroom break" – when public comment rolls around, half the room leaves while the other half makes for the fruit and cookie table.

But SFAC isn’t to blame for the flippant attitude toward the time set aside for students to come voice their opinions, experiences and concerns – committee members spend hours considering long lists of numbers and involved in arguments as to why the many student services on campus deserve their student fee money next year. They work hard for the students of this University, and if no one comes to public comment, there’s no reason to stick around.

The committee members want public comment, and they would be pleasantly surprised if they heard any. Yet halfway through the fiscal year 2009 SFAC hearings, no one has taken advantage of the designated public comment time.

Students, you have campus groups that fight to inform you and give you a voice about the decisions that impact your school, your fee bill and your degree. The SFAC fights for you. The Student Government Association Senate fights for you. The Daily Cougar fights for you. But all we can do is open the door – students unattached to these entities must walk through it to take advantage of opportunities to have a real impact on the decisions University leaders make.

Perhaps it’s tiresome to hear The Daily Cougar’s endless litany of pleas for students to take control of their futures. Maybe we’d have better luck if we mentioned that SFAC provides free snacks and comfortable seating or if we promised to write staff editorials about something else for a change.

The bottom line is that students as a whole must take charge of the future of this University. Not just the student members of the SFAC. Not just the SGA Senate. Not just The Daily Cougar editorial board. Without the backing of the student body, our voices have little impact; the student body must lead the way to determine what kind of school our dear old U of H will turn out to be.

Public comment will again be held before SFAC at 11:45 a.m. today and Wednesday in the Bluebonnet Room on the top floor of the University Center.

Tell them what you want. Tell them what you don’t want. Tell them where your money should go. Give them a reason to stay put when it’s time for public comment.

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