
Doctoral candidate breaks from math for movies

Krusleski: What are you reading?

Beri: I’m reading one of the mathematical journals. It’s published by the American Mathematical Society.

Krusleski: That’s pretty awesome.

Beri: I’m enjoying the weather outside more than anything else.

Krusleski: So what are you reading in there? What article?

Beri: I’m trying to read about Arnold Fusion. Something about how internal systems and – I don’t know, but I’m trying.

Krusleski: So what do you do in your free time?

Beri: What do I do in my free time? I indulge in sports and watch movies and I go out with friends. That’s it.

Krusleski: So you’re pretty well rounded, huh?

Beri: I try to be, yeah.

Krusleski: Did you see Ironman?

Beri: I did watch it, yeah.

Krusleski: What’d you think about it?

Beri: I liked it quite a lot, actually. Unlike other superhero movies, this was believable.

Krusleski: A little, yeah. So I guess you like more believable movies??Beri: I like more believable superhero movies, yeah.

Krusleski: Are there any other movies that you recommend?

Beri: Yeah, actually I just watched another movie. It’s a foreign film. I’m trying to remember what language – German or something. It’s called Scenes From a Marriage, Ingmar Bergman’s movie. It’s quite well renowned. I must recommend that movie to whoever hasn’t watched it.

Krusleski: What’s it about?

Beri: It’s about a couple that decides to go through their years of marriage. Only 20 years they realize that they’re not the happiest couple, although that’s what they were believing about their relationship.

Krusleski: Do you have any advice for couples on campus?

Beri: Um, no. Not at all. They all seem to be doing well, actually. No advice.

Krusleski: Do you have any advice about seeing movies?

Beri: Watch movies of different worlds and not just Hollywood. Go beyond Hollywood, is what I would say.

Krusleski: Are there any foreign films coming out this summer that you recommend?

Beri: That I recommend of foreign films? Um, no, actually. I’m not keeping track of upcoming films, but I guess one recent Indian movie is Before the Rains. It’s actually playing at River Oaks Theater, so that’s one of the movies that one should watch.

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