
Five minutes of fame: RA loves cake, video games, any combination of the two

Sarah Krusleski: If you won a million dollars, what kind of wedding cake would you get for (your fiance) Roxanne? Gabriel Konigsberg: Oh, that’s a dangerous question. I guess I would get one that’s big and blue. She likes blue.† Krusleski: She’s going to get a blue wedding cake?† Konigsberg: Yeah, we’re looking at our wedding colors to be white and a light kind of blue.† Krusleski: What kind of wedding cake would you get for yourself?† Konigsberg: I want a Nintendo cake! I want one shaped the size of a Nintendo system.† Krusleski: All right, so how about a cake with layers and all the Brawl characters fighting each other?† Konigsberg: Yeah, that’d be pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind that at all.† Krusleski: How would you sneak it in?† Konigsberg: I couldn’t.† Krusleski: You couldn’t?† Konigsberg: I couldn’t. She would kill me. She’d be mad.†

Krusleski: Aw, darn. So anything interesting happen today behind the desk?† Konigsberg: Naw, same old, same old. Just waiting. I’m actually waiting to get off because I reserved a video game. I’m going to pick it up today.† Krusleski: What game did you reserve?† Konigsberg: Civilizations Revolutions.† Krusleski: And what’s that about?† Konigsberg: It’s kind of like you start off as a settler and you build an empire. You combat the other five civilizations. You can win by making peace with all of them or taking them all out or creating the Manhattan Project or be the first one to colonize another planet.† Unidentified man: Leave this for Lynn.† Konigsberg: Will do. That was the most interesting thing that happened to me today.† Krusleski: So what do you do to pass the time here?† Konigsberg: I guess that depends on the (resident assistant.) Usually me and Roxanne hang out, I guess. I know that other RAs bring movies here, so we have a pretty big movie collection. Some take advantage of Netflix and the high-speed Internet here. Just kind of depends.† Krusleski: So have you been watching the rain all day?† Konigsberg: Basically.

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