
Truth’ movement is anti-semitic

Conspiracy theories have always existed, and as long as there is Judaism, there will be anti-Semitism. Oddly enough, even though there was always a kinship between conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites, a combination of the two seldom achieved mainstream popularity, the notable exception yielding the worst breach of human rights of all time. Since World War II, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists have generally been social pariahs. So during this time, they were able expand their arsenal of outlandish claims: Holocaust denial, alleged control over the Federal Reserve, the "kosher tax," media control and the newest addition, the allegation that Jews were responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks.

By no means do I assume that all, or even most of all members of the self-proclaimed 9/11 Truth Movement make the claim that Jews were responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, nor do most of their highest-profile spokespersons. But the naivet’eacute; of the collective membership has allowed for anti-Semitic individuals and racist organizations to influence them, arousing minimal alert from the Movement itself. Whoever is tipped off to anti-Semites’ true motives dismiss such vices in an attempt to appear as if they have more support than they wish for.

It is not fair to use the argument, "Neo-Nazis support your claims; therefore, you’re wrong." However, in many cases I find the support between anti-Semites and certain "Truthers" is mutual.

In February 2007, Eric D. Williams hosted the 9/11 Accountability Conference in Chandler, Ariz. Attendees included physicist Steven Jones, filmmaker Sofia Shafquat, writer Eric Hufschmid and LaRouchian Senatorial Candidate Webster Tarpley. Invited speakers included Dylan Avery, the director of Loose Change and Austin-based radio commentator Alex Jones. They declined to attend because they refused to be associated with Williams, a Holocaust denier who used the conference to push the notion that Jews were responsible for the terrorist attacks.

Did Avery and Jones escape the hate speech? In Jones’ case, the plot only thickens. In April, Jones promoted on his radio show a two-part claim recited by a caller that the majority of Jews are really Turkic migrants, and that Nordic, Celtic and Germanic migrants represent a "lost tribe" of Israel, proverbial footholds of Neo-Nazi thinking. Genetic testing by the National Academy of Sciences in 1999 has put such claims into question.

Even more disturbing than Alex Jones’ claims are the people with whom he is associated. Guests he’s had on his show, whom he subsequently advertised, include Mike Rivero of and Texe Marrs, leader of an End Times ministry who specializes in secret societies. On his Web site, outspoken "truther" Rivero not only reveals himself as a Holocaust denier and believer in the Khazar theory, but also quotes the Franklin Prophecy, a 1930s hoax alleging that Benjamin Franklin attempted to discount Jews from Constitutional rights. Marrs’ claims are similar, and his online store includes such publications as The Synagogue of Satan and The Protocols.

Other people who advertised on Jones’ Web site were Peter J. Peters, a leader in the Christian Identity Movement, and "Them" refers to the Antichrist, or as the author clarifies, "the vast majority of the American Jews and all the Jews the world over." It costs between $100 and $1100 a month to advertise on one of Jones’ Web sites.

What do these links between the two groups leave us? In July 2006, a shooting occurred at the Seattle Jewish Federation, killing one and wounding five. The shooter reportedly said to police "These are Jews. I’m tired of getting pushed around, and our people getting pushed around by the situation in the Middle East."

Again, it’s not fair to assume that just because an undesirable group supports you, your claims are automatically invalid. However, with the Truth Movement, this is hardly the case. Keep believing your conspiracy theories if you wish. However, also keep an eye open for your sources, and your sources’ sources. Then, willing, we can live tolerably, with discretion, and finally find that elusive "truth" we are all searching for.

Schindler, a studio art and graphic communications junior, can be reached

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