You know, there’s a reason I don’t discuss politics.?Simply put, I have a hard time when people disagree with me. I can’t supply evidence on the fly, particularly in person and without an Internet connection.
Eventually, my frustration descends into rage, and I wind up saying the most horrible things.?Yes, I have a problem with conservative ideology. I’ll say it right now. I’ve watched it fail my entire life, and don’t understand how anyone can say this country needs more conservatives when, in fact, conservatives dominate the political landscape.
It’s the Republican Party that sets the tone of political discourse, despite numerous failures.?Why do we have a senseless, endless war that cannot be won in a country where the people hate us by default? Why were banks allowed to lend money to people who could not repay their loans?
Why are people working much harder for less reward? Why don’t we have a sane and sustainable energy policy that would actually hurt our enemies where it counts? After all, oil money funds terror, right?
Why do we have budget deficits now that did not exist when the country was run by a "tax and spend liberal" government?
Why is our government spying on us and violating us when we want to travel? The truth is, conservative ideology has not only failed, but has brought us exactly the things it claims to detest.
Sure, this country’s liberals aren’t exactly angels either, but let’s take a look at their crimes in comparison. They’ve brought us copyright and patent laws that make it possible for media companies to stifle innovation. They’ve raised taxes on rich people. They have cheated on their spouses – oh wait, conservatives do that too. But instead of ugly mistresses, conservatives have boy toys.
They’ve held positions on gun control that might not be a good idea. They’ve engaged in pork barrel spending, a crime conservatives commit with similar frequency.
Compared to the relative peace and prosperity of the 1990s (some unfortunate incidents with domestic far-right groups notwithstanding), I cannot fathom what seems so terrible about that.
Honestly, I’m sick of American politics. It’s an ugly sideshow in which nobody wins. Therefore, I only have one thing to say in regards to politicians in general, though admittedly tongue-in-cheek: neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.
McCormick, a computer science post-baccalaureate student, can be reached via [email protected]