
Campus crime report

The following is a partial report of campus crime between Sept. 1 and Tuesday. All information is selected from the files of the UH Police Department. The information in italics indicates when the event was reported to UHPD and the event’s location. Information or questions regarding the cases below should be directed to UHPD at (713) 743-0600.

Burglary: 5:35 a.m., Sept.16, Moody Towers – A student reported that someone entered his unattended and unsecured dorm and stole a laptop computer he borrowed from another student. There are no suspects. An investigation is under way. Occurred between 3:46 and 5:20 a.m. Sept. 16.

Motor vehicle theft: 9 a.m., Sept. 16, Calhoun Lofts construction site – A visitor reported that his company van was missing from the front parking lot of the former Pizza Hut on Calhoun Road. There are no witnesses or suspects. Occurred between noon Sept. 11 and 10:30 p.m. Sept. 15.

Theft: 3:24 p.m., Wednesday, Architecture Building – A faculty member reported that someone stole an unattended and unsecured UH laptop computer from his office. There are no suspects. Occurred between 3:30 p.m. Sept. 11 and 9 a.m. Wednesday.

Public intoxication: 3:37 a.m., Thursday, Cullen Oaks Apartments – A student was found intoxicated while in a public place. The student was arrested for public intoxication, transported to Harris County Jail and released. The student was also issued a Student Life Referral. Occurred between 3:37 and 3:39 a.m. Thursday.

Burglary of a motor vehicle: 3:32 p.m., Thursday, Lot 4A – A student reported unknown individual(s) damaged both door locks on his unattended/secured truck; additionally the steering column ignition cylinder had been damaged in an attempt to steal the truck. There are no suspects at this time. Occurred between 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Thursday.

Burglary: 5:34 p.m., Thursday, Cullen Oaks Apartments -Several students, all residents of Cullen Oaks Apartments, reported items taken from their secured rooms without consent. An investigation is under way. Occurred between 10:07 a.m. Sept. 16 and 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

Theft: 5:45 p.m., Sunday, M.D. Anderson Library – Two students reported that someone stole their unattended and secured bicycle seats from a bike rack located in front of M.D. Anderson Library. There are no suspects and no witnesses at this time. An investigation is under way. Occurred between 10 a.m. and 5:40 p.m. Sunday.

Theft: 7:07 p.m., Sunday, Campus Recreation and Wellness Center – Two students reported that someone took their unattended and secured bicycles from the Recreation Center. There are no suspects or witnesses. An investigation is under way. Occurred between 8 p.m. Saturday and 7 p.m. Sunday.

Theft: 9:35 p.m. Sunday, Moody Towers North – A student reported that someone stole his unattended and unsecured laptop from his Moody Towers North dorm room. There are no suspects and no witnesses. Occurred between 5 and 8:30 p.m. Sunday.

Theft: 1:05 a.m., Monday, Cullen Oaks Apartments – A student reported that someone stole several unattended clothing items from a dryer located in the Cullen Oaks Apartments, second floor laundry room. There are no suspects or witnesses. Occurred between 11:45 p.m. Sunday and 12:50 a.m. Monday.

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