To the editor:
In the article "Prof seeks analysis of student athletes’ academic performance," (Sept. 4, News) the idea that professors seek to measure an athlete’s overall academic behavior with a survey is an absurd approach and may produce inaccurate results. There are many reasons why the prospect of a survey is a mere gamble.
What will the survey contain? Who’s taking the survey? The entire student body, staff or just those who volunteer to take the survey? As a non-athlete student, I’ve realized that I’m surrounded by athletes – some of whom are intelligent and work hard, even under immense pressure. They are also very involved in their schools like non-athletes, but to a lesser degree.
Schools with large athletic programs gain exposure, funding and publicity and can afford to send hopeful athletes to their schools on scholarships.
Yes, their requirements are slightly different than of non-athletes, but the U.S. has built a foundation on financial growth, which is necessaryto maintain steady expansion of facilities.
The use of a survey to measure an athlete’s academic ability is bound for failure. Why is "athlete reform" or highlighting the integration of athletes and non-athletes in school such a big deal?
Nancy Uche, a biology freshman, can be reached via [email protected]