Some people focus on their everyday life. They work, go home and reproduce. Politics do not garner their interest. As Americans, they have that right.
Some pick talking points and base their choice on what politicians say when campaigning. This is their right.
Other people stand firm on an issue or two and will not budge no matter what else their party does. Their entire ideology revolves around one or two issues. And yet other people are passionate. To each his own. It is their right.
Many people do not believe their government will respond to civic demands, even among the passionate. This gives us three hypothetical situations for the relationship between people and government.
First, the low efficacy feeling is real. Those with power have strings tied to the people of this nation, with politicians as puppeteers making us dance to their tune.
Second, people and government act as two parties with shared interests. Think about town hall meetings in New England, and politicians going to picnics on Sunday after church.
Finally, we assert our constitutional rights. "We the people" have the power to make them respond. Try to picture politicians asking us for permission before they do anything, because we are strict disciplinarians who will kick their butts out of office if they misbehave.
The principles of politics are bigger than any politician. Even if people who don’t care about politics at all were to vote, political scientists would spend years trying to figure out why. You don’t have to explain anything; political scientists will figure it out. They then tell politicians, and politicians a mirror the people who voted for them. It is an act – a sham some politicians play up and others try to toss aside. But the point is, they will act how we want, and when we supply demands, they become the consumers with the people as speculators and businessmen.
Whether they wanted to or not, they responded to our demands in the 60s and 70s. Today we don’t have to march. We can, but we don’t have to. A call for reform is just one online petition away. Write a paragraph one day and email it to them. Point and click; that is all it really takes now.
This November 4, go vote. Vote now, vote early, but we are setting records in one of the most historic races ever! Turn out, and even if you don’t give a damn, stand up with the rest of America and tell them what we want, even if you are uncertain.
Khan, a political science and history junior, can be reached via [email protected]