
Lovers lasered for good cause

Anyone who’s been marred by the stains of lost love will have a second chance today, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

New Look Laser Tattoo Removal is removing tattoos to raise money for the Houston Area Women’s Center.

‘Our clients in Houston have name tattoos that cause a lot of drama and problems in their relationships,’ said Ryan Lambert, president of New Look Laser Tattoo Removal.

‘Removing the name of an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend on Valentine’s Day could be a great gift.’

The procedure is offered for free today on up to three square inches of tattoo for patients who donate $20 to HAWC.

‘We thought: get rid of a tattoo and help yourself and in the meantime give a donation to the women’s shelter and help out some women who have real challenges, to help them overcome those things,’ Lambert said.

Hotel and restaurant management junior Kiril Kamburov said he is in the process of having three tattoos removed and is definitely interested in the event.

‘Twenty dollars is much cheaper than I usually pay,’ Kamburov said.

He doesn’t have any name tattoos, but he said he decided the symbols on his arms might keep him from getting a job.

‘It actually wasn’t any particular event that made me want to remove them,’ Kamburov said. ‘Time just went by.’

A job might not be the only thing a person can lose by having a regrettable tattoo, said Lambert.

‘A lot of folks in the middle of relationships get a name tattoo because they think they’re going to be in that relationship forever, but things happen and they change their mind.’ he said. ‘Laser tattoo removal is a pretty easy way of correcting that mistake.’

Lambert said old faded tattoos can be removed in a single treatment, but most tattoos require repeat visits.

Jaded lovers can begin to wipe their slate clean at 1770 St. James Place, Suite 105.

Trained health care professionals will be taking patients on a first come first serve basis from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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