UH faculty, staff and students alike participated in the National Collegiate Health & Wellness 5K Fun Run/Walk to benefit a local charity Thursday.
The Campus Recreation and Wellness Center developed the idea for the run/walk as a way to commemorate National Collegiate Health and Wellness Week (NCHWW).
Gaylyn Maurer, outreach counselor for CRWC, said getting students to be more active is only one aspect of the event.
‘This week is National Collegiate Health and Wellness Week and the whole idea is to promote health and wellness,’ Maurer said. ‘It’s getting students to get out, be active and appreciate our beautiful campus all while benefiting a non-profit organization in the neighborhood.’
The Run/Walk proceeds will go to Families Under Urban and Social Attack (FUUSA), a nonprofit organization that serves the Third Ward.
FUUSA is a community-based organization, which provides youth and homeless services, as well as mentoring and drug and alcohol prevention programs.
‘The Metropolitan Volunteer Program here on campus presented a group of organizations, and we chose FUUSA simply because we felt they were a credible organization that was literally in our community,’ Maurer said.
Cougar Peer Educator (CPE) volunteers shared in the event’s excitement.
‘People donated anywhere from $1 to $100. There were a wide range of donations,’ CPE Vice President Nupur Kapadia said.
Prior to the start of the Run/Walk, the donations were totaled and CPE secretary Alicia Coleman said she was delighted to learn that the Fun Run/Walk raised $300.
‘That’s really good coming from the students. We’re really glad,’ Coleman said.
An estimated 100 students, faculty and staff made their way along the Fun Run/Walk course, which wound its way through campus.
It began at the steps of the University Center and ended at the atrium rotunda of the CRWC.
‘The route is marked by yard signs, cones, red cougar paws and volunteers. Three tents are along the route to give runners POWERade, snacks, water and encouragement,’ Maurer said.
Traditionally, universities might offer aerobics classes or workshops to commemorate NCHWW, but UH decided to go above and beyond the traditional programming by hosting the Run/Walk. The Run/Walk concluded with a meeting at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center, where free smoothies and T-shirts were distributed to the participants.