
Why join UH Alumni?

Alana MousaviDin

With graduation in arms reach, graduates often find themselves lost, missing the daily activities, interaction and campus involvement.First year alumni of UH have many avenues to keep them involved with the campus.

They still have access to the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library, the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center, and of course, the restaurants are sure to bring back memories.

One day, the idea of dining with pigeon poop and sneaky squirrels will actually seem normal to you.

Many alumni focus on the sporting events, which is great, but often times, equally important programs are left on the back burner.

The Moores School of Music, Blaffer Art Gallery, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts are always having performances or exhibits that are inexpensive and depend on attendance for success.

KUHF relies on donations to run the exquisite programming offered on our local television station.

Yet, another way for alumni to get involved and stay involved after graduation is to join the UH Alumni Association. Our campus is not easy to walk away from without looking back.

Stop for a moment and look to your left and right, then behind you. Everyone you see bleeds our school colors and will continue to from here on out.

Alana MousaviDin is a communication senior and may be reached at [email protected].

Andrew Taylor

Upon completion of your degree, continued involvement the University is integral to future success for future Cougars.

An easy way to continue your involvement is by joining the University of Houston Alumni Association within one year after graduation.

Becoming a first-year alumni not only entitles you to perks, but also helps future generations as well.

Above all is the first-year alumni rate, which is the least you’ll pay.’ The membership rate for new alumni is set at $20 and buys you UHAA member status for one year.

The alumni perks are listed on the University’s Web site under the alumni section, providing incentives to the already altruistic act.

Aside from attending football games and other various Cougar sporting events, alumni offerings supply a great deal of meaning and hard-earned pride.

Immediately after graduating, alumni status can provide our school with a feeling of entitlement.

Our graduates’ pride is what convinces people to come here.

The participation in alumni programs brings not only excitement to our university, but also a sense of enthusiasm, ownership and pride that stretches well beyond $20 to UH.

Andrew Taylor is an economics junior and may be reached at [email protected].

Matthew Keever

Alumni are an important aspect to any university, and ours is no exception. Houston is a large, ambitious city. Is UH not the large, ambitious university to go along with it? Not yet, but it’s on the way.

Formally referred to as ‘Cougar High’ by some apathetic Houstonians, UH has been seen as the backup school for far too long.

It’s our time to shine, stand tall and be proud. It is imperative that we continue reaching out to the community and building our alumni association.

With numerous top-notch programs, a new president who is attempting bold amendments and a large, diverse student body, we’re well on the way to recognition.

Former students must be included.

Throughout high-school, my father told me about the doors that open when one has an Aggie ring.

Being an alumnus from Texas A&M, he hoped I would become an Aggie like him and his father.

I decided against A&M, but wouldn’ it be nice for that same sentiment to be applicable to the UH ring?

Coogs would be helping each other out, which would benefit all of us students as well as the Houston community in general.

Just a thought.

Matthew Keever is a communication junior and may be reached at [email protected].

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