British songwriter Imogen Heap’s classically influenced album Ellipse is crisp and mesmerizing.
Heap’s third solo album was released in the United Kingdom on Aug. 24 and the U.S. on Aug. 25. After her acclaimed solo albums, I Megaphone and the Grammy-nominated Speak for Yourself, Heap continues to enlighten fans with her talent.
‘First Train Home,’ the album’s first single, features Heap’s lyrical genius as a poetic songstress with a backdrop of techno-pop beats.
Heap plays almost every instrument on the album and also composes the background beats through sequencing and looping. ‘First Train Home’ returns fans to the artist’s unique style.
‘Wait it Out,’ and ‘Little Bird’ offer little entertainment, but provide insight into her amazing ability to harmonize.
‘Earth,’ ‘Swoon’ and ‘Bad Body Double’ restore faith in the album.
‘Bad Body Double’ showcases the songstress’ sense of humor as she sings about a comical doppelganger who is trying to look like her.
Heap’s classical thumbprint in piano, cello and clarinet appears in ‘Tidal’ and ‘The Fire.’
She said on her blog, which appears on the artist’s Web site, that ‘The Fire’ represents the burning of a special wood that is significant to her family.
She offers an intimate peek into her heart during the personal tracks ‘Between Sheets,’ ‘2-1,’ ‘Canvas’ and ‘Half Life.’
The album’s best song, ‘Aha!,’ features her fast-paced vocals and a full-on orchestra.
Despite a few slow songs, Ellipse does not disappoint. Heap’s musical talents are on full display, as her versatility is sure to entice her fans.