Giselle Bueno: Are you going to vote Nov. 3?
Juan Garza: Yes, I will vote, because it’s my right and it can make a big difference in the future.
Bueno: Are you going to vote for Proposition 4?
Garza: Yeah, I think I just need to do more research about Proposition 4, but I will definitely vote.’
‘ Bueno: What else are you planning to do to help UH in its journey to become a flagship university?
Garza: I think I am doing my part because I will vote, and I want UH to become a flagship university because it’s going to help in so many things like (the) economy; there are going to be more jobs available. UH would be better, and those who graduate are going to have better jobs. We just need to get out and vote and tell others to support this proposition. We want education in Texas to improve. Our state’s future depends on us.
Bueno: When you graduate, are you planning to be a part of the UH Alumni Association?
Garza: Oh yeah, of course. I think it’s very important to be part of (the UH) Alumni Association. Go Coogs!
Bueno: Can you give any advice to students on being a part of UH’s goal to become a flagship university?
Garza: I think we should go out and vote; that is the main thing we can do to help our school and motivate our families and friends to vote (in) November, especially for Proposition 4. We can get involved on some other things, like student activities’hellip;promoting this thing on campus. Of course, it depends on the Houston community and also on the administration of UH.’