The 2010 Student Government Association spring general elections are over, and senators from nearly every college on campus have started to plan out how they can best meet students’ needs.
Four senators will represent the C.T. Bauer School of Business, including Tushar Chawla, who was reelected in March. Chawla has also worked in the Office of Admissions since 2008, solving not only his problems, but also those of other students through SGA.
“I started seeing SGA as a window to maneuver or get over problems and try to solve them at a student level and take them to administration,” Chawla said. “I have seen students come up to me with a billion problems.”
Chawla’s co-senator, Aurangzeb Jalili, considers Chawla “a veteran in this process” who can help make the team stronger.
“We have to work hard consistently. The Bauer senators, along with the rest of the 47th [administration of] SGA have very talented people,” Jalili said. “We can get the job done as long as we stay focused and work with the administration throughout the week.”
For Jamy Abraham, winning an SGA Senate election allowed her to improve UH from a student perspective.
“This is my first term as senator, so I’m excited to start working and bring a fresh perspective to SGA,” Abraham said. “As a senator, I feel that the biggest advantage is being able to serve the student body and represent their voice.”
These three senators have similar goals and agendas for their terms. Their biggest priority is beginning a program with Barnes & Noble in Fall 2010 that will allow students to rent books from the University Center College Book Store. They also agreed that the improvement of Internet Wi-Fi connections, especially in classrooms and auditoriums, creates a better student life.
“From the number of students I’ve spoken to since elections, I have found that they want to see the Wi-Fi on campus improve, which I agree with just as much as them,” Jalili said.
The senators also said that SGA still serves as the students’ voice, and they intend on working to implement plans and resolve issues that affect students.
“The SGA is here to serve you. That is why it’s important to get involved and utilize your senators,” Abraham said. “There are students who communicate concerns, but our goal this term is to raise awareness with the students about SGA. Raising awareness is key to representing the students effectively.”
The UH business senators said they hope students will participate more with the SGA.
“Since we are a commuter college, I want to see at the end of the term that 2,000 out of 6,000 students know what SGA means and that we exist,” Chawla said.
Jalil said she and her co-senators have high standards for UH and the business college’s future, but realize they can’t do it alone.
“Rome was not built in a day, but with your help we can get C. T. Bauer College of Business, along with the entire University, to its highest potential, which I believe is higher than any of us can imagine,” Jalili said.