Most of you have probably read Casey Goodwin’s commentary just above this article by now, and many of you are most likely downright pissed, and we, the members of The Daily Cougar editorial board, want you to know that we understand. We thought this would be a good time to make a few points, especially since it’s early in the semester, and we have a lot of freshmen and transfer students reading our paper.
Firstly, views expressed in this section either represent the students or staff who write them or the members of the Daily Cougar editorial board, as is the case in the staff editorials.
Although we respectfully disagree with Goodwin, we defend her right to express her thoughts via our publication, and we encourage you to do so as well if you feel so inclined.
We take a lot of pride in our football team as well as our school, and we as a group feel the University is making great strides toward flagship status, but all opinions have the right to be voiced, and we respect that fact. We try to remind readers regularly of Frederick Douglass’ wise words:
“Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation… want rain without thunder and lightning.”
One UH paradigm that’s always bothered us has been the paradigm that the Cougar is either in the pocket of the University or a daily reminder of UH’s shortcomings; neither is accurate.
What we do is here is report, analyze and assist the flow of information to students. Some students disagree with some of our staff’s opinions, which they have every right to, but we do not publish opinions that aren’t well prepared, constructed and conveyed.
You may disagree, but before you get upset, remember that we try to represent all students fairly and equally, and we encourage feedback.
But please, if you feel we aren’t fairly balancing our coverage, let us know, and we’ll do our best to make it a priority.
Freedom isn't Free.
There was nothing well-prepared, constructed about that article period. Nothing more than an all out mockery of UH without ANY factual backing to justify many of the notions. There's a reason why English and History teachers through middle, high school, and college stress using factual evidence when writing essays, or in this case an article. I hope that the Cougar can start to implement such a policy soon, opinion or otherwise.
Maybe that is the reason for the article – print something radical and inflammatory, get people to comment on it.
You took the words right out of my keyboard!
I can't believe the editorial staff printed the word "pissed" in the first graph to drive a point. Shocking stuff! Cougar staff, try to embrace professionalism and use more sophisticated language. This piece is a poor attempt at upholding the first Amendment while also trying to deliver the creed of the newsroom. This garbage reads like it was cranked out in five minutes and then bypassed the copy desk. Shameful.