The faculty board of directors have worked together to open the Center for Teaching Excellence over the summer, and now they have launched a comprehensive website.
The site developed for questions and resources related to the teaching mission of the University.
“As new faculty, very often you’re not trained to teach at all… And the site provides a lot of information, like the policies the university has,” said Dan Wells, chair of the CTE faculty board of directors. “Even some members of the faculty who have been around a long time have picked up tips and new ideas and ways of doing things.”
The center was developed to share customs of effective teaching within the University, and it offers services to incoming graduate students as well as seasoned professors. The board worked on perfecting the development over the summer in order to officially run the website starting this fall semester. The idea was bred from discussions that were held during faculty senate meetings.
“We found out when we started talking that this idea had been kicked around for a number of years, going back twenty and thirty years, but it had never been followed through,” English professor David Mazella said.
He said UH is about twenty years behind the curve when it comes to teaching centers, but he said that the UH center is also different in that it has a division that is devoted to conducting studies regarding on-campus learning.
Mazella said he hopes to be able to share the information with institutions across the country.
As of now the CTE is a virtual center, but according to Wells the center is looking for space.
“What we are doing this first year while we are looking for space is we’re piggy backing on the faculty center and using some of the resources they have and calling it our temporary home,” Wells said.
Starting Sept. 16 the center will kick off an ongoing brown bag lunch series. The series will be held on the third Thursday of every month, with a new topic discussed each meeting. One of the upcoming topics is “Striving for Teaching Excellence.”
Faculty members can also visit the interactive blog at
Thanks for the nice write-up. We also created an entire new division of TA training this summer, which is now being piloted with 5 departments and around 120 grad students. For those curious about the program, visit the website at…
Dave Mazella
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