In the nearly two years since the change America believed in moved into the White House, has your life improved? Now, at this point, liberal readers are already irate with us, and conservative readers are wondering what we were drinking in the office last night (since, according to the comments on our website, we’re all a bunch of far-left fanboys), but it’s a legitimate question, one that will decide the fate of many Democrats come November.
According to a recent poll in the Houston Chronicle, which was conducted by the Chronicle and four other Texas publications, 57 percent of all likely voters in Texas disapprove of President Obama’s performance so far. While 80 percent of registered Democrats are happy with him, 83 and 68 percent of Republicans and Independents respectively are not.
The economy is, as far as the government is concerned, no longer in a recession, and Texas never quite felt the effects of said recession the way the rest of the country did anyway, so what’s the big deal?
Perhaps Texans want the United States as a whole to look more like Texas… not in the boots-n-cowboy-hats, horse-ridin’ way, but in the relatively-solid-economy way.
“Obama’s disapproval was highest among people who had attended college, earn more than $30,000 a year and live in non-urban areas,” R.G. Ratcliffe reported. “The Texas newspaper consortium poll also found Republicans are substantially more likely to vote this fall than Texas Democrats.”
The GOP may not need to do much work to regain power, but we cannot emphasize enough how important it is for voters to decide for themselves for whom they’re voting and why. Please don’t simply vote for someone because of their party affiliation; research the election and the politicians running for office — and make an informed decision.
The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 2 general election is Oct. 4, so students still have a week in which they can register to have their voices heard come election time; in the meantime, we urge you to ask yourselves what kind of public servants you want.
YOU BUNCH OF FAR LEFT FANBOYS… HAR… I just wanted to say that.
You can't quote facts or print statistics or enlighten. Dont you know that? Perry is a GOD. Why he SHOT A COYOTE WITH a LASER SITE PISTOL. Doesn't matter one iota about the facts. This man is a by god Texan. Look at his hair and his by god boots. Why he single handledly created 816000 jobs out of a llama's butt.
Hopefully there is still a spark of the ole Texas in Texans and they will not vote for the rhetoric but for the facts. Keep printing. They may not be able to hear you scream in cyberspace but they sure as hell can read the words.
God Bless Texas.
(Bill White's campaign didn't pay me a dime for this)