Lawrence Schulze wanted to serve his country in order to honor those members of his family who served in two

Engineering professor Lawrence Schulze is sworn in by member of the US Navy at a ceremony on Oct. 14. Schulze is UH’s newest Naval Liasion Officer. | Courtesy of Cullen College of Engineering
different world wars; he just went about it a different way.
Schulze, a professor in the Cullen College of Engineering, was sworn in as UH’s Naval Liaison Officer by members of the US Navy.
“A request was sent out to the UH community for anyone interested in the Campus Liaison Officer post. I responded and made it through all of the hoops,” Schulze said. “Lt. Terry Turner, Nuclear Programs Officer, NRD Houston, guided me through the process.”
His role as a lisason officer is to help the Navy recruit at UH and to help students who are interested in a naval career make an educated decision.
“My duties are to bridge the academic environment and the Navy environment, and assist the Navy and students to find the best matches, especially regarding academic qualifications,” Schulze said. “I also will be able to provide information on the opportunities available in the US Navy.”
Schulze may be new to the Naval Liaison position, but he already has done his part to help with the military as director of the Camo to Classroom to Career Program, which recruits veterans to come to UH and helps them make the transition from the military to the classroom.
“I am the Director of the program, (which) is designed to recruit veterans, active duty, and reservists to UH,” Schulze said.
The initial effort and funding for the Camo program has been provided by Joseph Tedesco, dean of the Cullen College of Engineering.
“The idea is to help (veterans transition) to the classroom by using the unit cohesiveness of the military, the (Veterans Student) office and the veterans alumni association on campus to provide mentoring through the education process, career guidance and position placement,” Shulze said.
The program is organizing its advisory board, of which most members will be veterans, and will also include representatives from the top 100 most military-friendly companies.
Schulze felt the urge to give back to his country and the military because of family ties to the service.
Schulze’s paternal grandfather was an Army captain in World War I. His father was a staff-sergeant in World War II and survived the Ardennes, North Africa and the Battle of the Bulge. One of his uncles survived the Normandy invasion in World War II, while another, who is still living, survived Okinawa.
Schulze said he also applied for the position because of the desire to help those who served.
“I felt it was my duty to honor those men, and all in uniform who have served after them, with the opportunity to get an advanced education and increase their opportunities,” Schulze said.
“They have given, and give, their lives for our liberties and freedoms that we enjoy and quite often take for granted.”