Frontier Fiesta is getting an early start in organizing this year’s event by holding its first Connection Meeting in an effort to increase participation and get more student organizations involved.
We’re trying to break away from the stereotype that it’s just for Greeks,” co-director of marketing for Frontier Fiesta Cameron Bailey said. “We want to start our communication early, because we want there to be no reason that you’re not participating in Frontier Fiesta.”
Bailey said that if a group needs financial assistance, they will be having fundraising events to help pay for entries and variety shows.
The meeting, taking place at 7 p.m. today in the University Center Bluebonnet Room, will mainly deal with registration deadlines and other schedule dates, though the group wants organizations to come with new ideas that they want to implement as part of the event.
“Everybody knows the usual ways like variety shows, carnival booths and cook-offs,” Bailey said. “But if we touch base with organizations and see what they want to do, we can try to see if we can work with them and get that started.”
The group plans to have new activities, but its production team is still working on details.
“We’re going to have stuff like a dodge ball tournament and a skate ramp and stuff like that,” Bailey said. “We’re really open (to ideas).”
Frontier Fiesta also aims to bring a fresh experience to students by creating a website that should launch in December and a Twitter account to help students keep up with the latest information.
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If the Frontier Fiesta group wants the festival to feel like it's not just for Greeks, then they need to do away with the tons of private parties that are only for specific fraternities and sororities. Last year, I could barely look anywhere without seeing another one of those.