
Recycling pays off, efforts continue

The UH Sustainability Task Force celebrated the success of the Silver STARS award while continuing its efforts to create a greener campus.

Earlier this month, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education acknowledged UH’s sustainability initiatives with a Silver STARS mark of Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment and Rating System.

To be evaluated, the program requires an institution to record and report its efforts to maintain an ecological balance.

“Earning a rating in AASHE STARS signifies that sustainability is no longer a project or one initiative at the University of Houston,” said Emily Messa, assistant vice president for University Services. “Sustainability is a part of being a Cougar.”

The STARS evaluation measures colleges and universities in three principal categories: Education and Research; Operations and Planning; and Administration and Engagement.

UH earned a total of 53.64 points, scoring 57.04 percent in Education & Research, 32.95 percent in Operations and 70.93 percent in Planning, Administration and Engagement.

Green UH, a student-developed and student-run organization, recognizes this need.

“We are constantly pushing UH to go green and create new initiatives,” said Courtney Anzalone, Green UH student coordinator. “Last week at Recycle mania we had 1,921 pounds recycled, which is amazing and shows that more students are joining the green initiative.”

Green UH and the Sustainability Task Force will continue to develop a thriving campus sustainability effort, according to Messa.

“Our next steps will be to continue to focus on resource management, as we have always done — recycling, reducing how we use energy, and how we commute.”

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