When your friends are feeling blue after a bad breakup, you can do your part in bringing them out of their sadness by making a mix CD or going on a roadtrip to put a smile back on their face. | Photos.com
When a friend comes to you after being kicked to the curb, they’re in such a fragile state that there are very few things you can do to make them feel better. Even though they’re probably not going to be incredibly receptive to anything positive outside of their recent breakup, there are a few things you can do to help them see the light.
Good tunes are all anyone needs in life
After they’ve been given the bad news, there’s nothing like good music to put a smile on their face. Making a mix CD is probably the most discreet way of being there for them without coming off as insensitive.
When you’re making the list of songs that will go on said mix CD, it’s usually better to select a majority of hopeful songs in major keys rather than sad, melancholy songs — you want to remind them that life is good outside of a relationship, not that their relationship fell apart.
Come around sundown
After the big break, a lot of people sit around, watch sad movies and eat ice cream to soften the blow. If your friend is down in the dumps, ask them to tag along on your weekend festivities.
Whether this means going to a bar or staying in and playing cards, anything is better than sitting alone in a dark room feeling sad while everyone else in the world is out having fun.
Hit the road, Jack
With the weather as nice as it has been lately, there’s no better way to pull them out of that slump than taking a day trip to a place that you’ve never been, or, of course, the beach.
Burn a copy of the aforementioned mix CD, make sandwiches and give them no choice but to go on a day-long roadtrip with you. They might be a little hesitant to just get up and go, but remind them that a change of scenery from the four walls in which they’ve been sulking will do their heart and soul a world of good.
I’ll be your mirror
More than anything, the best thing you can do is offer them your ear to let them vent their frustrations — within reason, of course.
Don’t let them talk themselves down or let them place the blame entirely on their actions. Even if they thought this relationship was the real deal, remind them that their lows will have their complement of highs. As a friend, it’s important to be encouraging, even if you don’t know the words that are going to heal their heart.
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