Virtual Sammy Brown closes in on Rice quarterback Nick Fanuzzi | Joshua Siegel/The Daily Cougar
Two-a-days don’t start until Thursday, but the Cougars have been hitting in pads for a while now — digitally at least. Wide receiver Ronnie Williams talked with us about this year’s edition of EA Sports’ college football game NCAA12.
Q: When the ratings come out, does that become a competition to see who’s better?
A: Yeah sometimes, but sometimes they screw it up. They have our long-snapper with a 93 for speed. Man, anybody could be putting those numbers in.
Q: There were a few omissions and errors with the roster in the game. What’s up with some of your haircuts?
A: They had EJ Smith with dreads. They try to get it as close as possible, but they still have mistakes.
Q: Does the team play a lot on roadtrips?
A: We don’t get to take consoles on the road. That’s more like a business trip, but around here everybody plays — pretty much the whole team.
Q: So everyone has played it a lot since it came out?
A: We’ll either be in Cullen Oaks on somebody’s game system or various apartments around Houston. The weekend is when we play it the most before we go out.
Q: Who is the best gamer on the team?
A: Of course I would say that I’m the best, but I really don’t know. I can’t say because it just came out, but we’ll find out over the course of the next few months who actually is the best.
Q: Who thinks they’re the best?
A: Sammy Brown. He doesn’t even have to be the best, but he’ll still talk like he is.
Q: Do you guys use other teams or is it always UH versus UH?
A: I use UH most of the time, but I get tired of using the same team all the time. We’ll play with a team with somebody else who we know that’s in college. They usually play with the top-rated teams if they don’t play with UH.
Q: Is it weird to see youself in video game form? Do guys sub themselves in and try to the star of the team?
A: Yeah, I do. I’m not sure if I’m starting or not, so I just plug myself in. It gets kind of repetitive because you’ll see yourself throwing the ball to you over and over or if you’re on defense you’ll be rushing with yourself most of the time.
Q: Do you get into the game and play the franchise mode or just against each other?
A: It’s more head-to-head. And if we’re not actually together, we’ll play online. But Road to Glory and that stuff, it doesn’t interest me that much. I just play head-to-head to say I beat the person.
video games and sports. good stuff