In the Spring of 2010, under the leadership of President Kenneth Fomunung, the SGA initiated a program called the Student Savings Club, which allows members of the University of Houston community to receive discounts at various businesses, such as restaurants, apartments and retailers around town and around the country.
Now building upon the success of the initiative, the program has expanded and now includes more businesses and schools in the local area, such as the University of St. Thomas, University of Houston Downtown, Texas Southern University and Houston Baptist University. With the addition of these four schools, the Student Savings Program now offers discounts for five universities worth of students in the Greater Houston area.
Examples of businesses participating for discounts include Discount Tires, AT&T, Denny’s and GameFly. For the frugal student shopper, this program is a necessity.
Currently, there are approximately 20 businesses that offer discounts through the program, with more to come as the program continues to expand. The inclusion of other schools in the area means this program will be a boost to local businesses and will likely entice even more businesses to join the list of discounts and deals.
“We are always looking to add more businesses all over the Greater Houston area,” said SGA CLASS Senator Jeff Syptak, who spearheaded the program’s expansion.
“I am a commuter myself, so I am not just looking for businesses around the campus, but everywhere,” Syptak said. “Even in the Northwest side of town, where I am from, I have found places for this program.”
Though restaurants and major chains dominate the list, Syptak’s goal is to include even more local businesses and introduce variety by getting more technologically-oriented establishments to participate.
Students interested in receiving discounts through the program must show participating businesses their student ID card and a special promotional card that will be passed out during the semester.
Students interested in finding out more about the program can find a list of all participating businesses by searching for the Student Savings Program on Facebook.
If you would like to see more businesses included, or have ideas on where to focus the program, Syptak encourages all students to email him with suggestions. His email is [email protected].
I found a site where you can get coupons for restaurant called "Printapon" they are on all over the news, search online
The name of the Facebook group in which anyone can join is Student Savers Program. Also if you have any more questions, concerns, ideas on how to make this program better, please feel free to contact me.
How come the website only has the University of North Texas as far as participating schools in Texas goes?
what a waste. good to know i can eat poison cheaper now.