The Occupy Wall Street protests are gaining steam — and they’re spreading. Houston, Dallas and Austin are all hosting protests on Thursday, and nearly every major US city is as well.
This is exactly how change happens. Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have all started major government reforms because their citizens took to the streets and told the government to change or else.
However, the Occupy Wall Street protests aren’t getting the same attention by the media that was given to similar movements in the Middle East this spring.
Whether that’s because the US population is jaded or the media simply doesn’t care is another question.
What’s clear is, no thanks to anyone but the supporters, the message is spreading.
According to the Occupy Houston website, the protest is starting in the morning but anyone can show up, on time or not.
“If you want to join us in the afternoon then please head directly to Hermann Square Park. Come join us and stand in peaceful solidarity with our brothers and sisters occupying Wall Street and the rest of the nation,” Occupy Houston says on the website. “Together we can END CORPORATE CORRUPTION OF DEMOCRACY!”
UH students can assist in spreading the message by participating in Houston’s version of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Occupy Houston is an autonomous arm of the Occupy movement.
That means it’s created by Houstonians for Houston’s benefit; the protests are put together from a Houston perspective; and the protest leaders are Houston-bred.
UH students who are concerned about the direction of our nation should make an effort to come out for the protest Thursday.
It will be a chance to let the Houston business community hear their dissatisfaction with the status quo, and it will be an opportunity for them to show solidarity with the protesters in other US cities.
We are the future, and this movement is a chance for our voices be heard.
OK I don't know who gave you the pen and let you type this garbage up but this has got to be one of the worst jobs in reporting I've ever read.
"This is exactly how change happens. Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have all started major government reforms because their citizens took to the streets and told the government to change or else."???
Are you kidding me?
" who gave you the pen and let you type this garbage " … Well, it is a editorial by a student who has gone throught the journalism program. You would like it to be censored?
OK I don't know who gave you the pen and let you type this garbage up but this has got to be one of the worst jobs in reporting I've ever read.
"This is exactly how change happens. Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have all started major government reforms because their citizens took to the streets and told the government to change or else."???
Are you kidding me?
Do you understand anything about politics or social uprisings at all? Those countries are run under dicatatorship and general population is not free to speak openly about the government. Also, the US is not like those countries there when it comes to our mentality or protesting. They're protesting for the right to live. You're protesting because….well you don't really know why. If you want to be like Libya and Egypt, go visit and see what it's like. It's hell. I've been. AND during the beginning stages of those protests, those that were able to be captured, 99% of the time were killed. So why don't you take a look around the world and realize how good you have it. If you want to change the government, do so by starting a good career for yourself have your friends do the same. Sitting in a park, holding a sign is not making a difference. Going out and fighting the problem with you governmental rights is. How stupid can you possibly be????? The only reason you want to go out and protest is because it's the "cool" thing to do right now. Give me a f–king break.
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about…99% Killed that offered up protest to what was happening? That's only happening in Syria, backed by the US government…I have two degrees, work my ass off and pay out the ass…if you're not pissed you're not paying attention…I love this Country, but compared to Germany, our economy is in shambles WHY? Because the German government has decent regulatory laws in place keeping bankers and their leveraged default swaps under control…in 10 years, things here are gonna be total shit, and I'm not gonna sit quiet because others think just because we're not under a DICTATORSHIP that we should simply fall in line…I'm done.
Do you understand anything about politics or social uprisings at all? Those countries are run under dicatatorship and general population is not free to speak openly about the government. Also, the US is not like those countries there when it comes to our mentality or protesting. They're protesting for the right to live. You're protesting because….well you don't really know why. If you want to be like Libya and Egypt, go visit and see what it's like. It's hell. I've been. AND during the beginning stages of those protests, those that were able to be captured, 99% of the time were killed. So why don't you take a look around the world and realize how good you have it. If you want to change the government, do so by starting a good career for yourself have your friends do the same. Sitting in a park, holding a sign is not making a difference. Going out and fighting the problem with you governmental rights is. How stupid can you possibly be????? The only reason you want to go out and protest is because it's the "cool" thing to do right now. Give me a f–king break.
They do, for the most part, seem to know why they're protesting. While it's not the same as in Libya, this protest does have meaning to it. How can you say the protests have no meaning when there are candidates who are "Tea Party" sitting in both houses of the legislative branch who just got elected off the momentum of a bunch of protestors starting in 2009?
Am I to understand correctly that I should not be protesting unless I am denied the right to live? When America was a British colony, they were never denied the right to live- they were simply overtaxed and underrepresented. Overtaxed and underrepresented is how many of these people who are protesting feel today. It is their right to peacefully assemble, and by right they should. Unfortunately, the American mentality is not one that stands-up for what it believes in anymore and therein lies a greater problem. Protesting peacefully is not only a right but an obligation as a citizen to express to the government, in group, what it is they are doing wrong (in one's perspective). I will be out there and I know why I will be joining. No one may take my voice, it is a right given to me by the American Constitution. My career doesn't change policy, and neither does any career a friend may have.
We should all strive, in the way we know how, to better our world. I hope to never look and be content, we must always move forward. We must always progress. "Having it good" is simply not good enough.
"Overtaxed and underrepresented is how many of these people who are protesting feel today. "
In other words, you agree with the TEA Party platform, which is in direct opposition with this "occupy" mentality.
It is not in direct opposition. This "'occupy' mentality" is about not being heard by government and the abuse of the citizen from corporations and special-interest groups, each too heavily involved with government. One can feel overtaxed and underrepresented without subscribing to any designated platform. It is my understanding that many who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement are disgruntled about the bailout of banks and irresponsible government spending. So, too, can these people who are protesting be disgruntled over the same things.
Regardless, it is an American right to protest peacefully. I am thankful I have such liberties and care for the continuation of my constitutional rights. Thinking too narrowly about this protest serves us all an injustice. Such exercising of our democratic right to assemble should attract all people who have something to say about the current movement of government and the longevity of our freedoms.
These are people my age and it is an embarrassment! These grungy kids have nothing better to do…they should be spending this time looking for a job
Gee, Kelli, I'm 45 years old, I have a full-time job, and there are a lot of other older Houstonians like me (and some not like me) who are going to be part of this, including people who have jobs (it may surprise you to know that some of us work on weekends, and have days off during the week; shocking but true). Nobody involved with this is "grungy." We all bathe and have clean clothing, I assure you. So fear not – this is not merely the purview of unwashed college kids.
i'm a full time student lady.
and i shower, thanks.
I'm not sure if you understand exactly what the purpose of this movement is. We're not just standing around being angry about not having jobs- that's a very ignorant statement.
the issue here is CORRUPTION. corporations having all the priviliges of people with none of the consequences, and having HUGE amounts of influence in the government compared to the people.
do some research before you start shouting.
you are one of us, sister. it's not about being lazy or hanging out or not finding jobs, it's about taking your country back. making it work for YOU instead of working for IT.
or don't you remember: BY the people FOR the people.
it is now BY the corporations, FOR the corporations.
Get Informed, turn off your TV and get angry.
I am UH alumni and I really don't like the fact that they are supporting these loons!
How do you know they are loons or "grungy" if the protest event in Houston has not occurred yet? It sounds to me like you are passing judgement before the fact.
Thank you for expressing your opinion. Why don't you go out to the protest to express it there?
Protesting for the "right to live"? No, they are protesting for the same reasons we need to. Their economies suck; there are few jobs for young people; and their governments no longer care what happens to them. It's the same story everywhere – the wealthy elite have organized globally to eliminate democracy in favor of aristocracy. The US is the incubator of this plot, which is why the movements in Egypt, China, and elsewhere have announced they stand in solidarity with us. For their revolutions to succeed, so must ours.
you people crack me up….. i find it funny that all you young people who think there aren't enough jobs etc… are complaining… that fact is there are plenty of jobs… they are just jobs you dont want…
I doubt any of you posting on here grew up with less than I did… but seeing where I am now… I truly dont feel sorry for other people.
God gave us two hands… "one to help ourselves and one one to help others."
The problem is, nobody wants to help themselves any more… they just want it to be given to them…
hey and guess what… I am not much older than all those "grungy kids" protesting… so I have busted butt in the same economy that they have to make it where I have made it. It is still there for the taking… it just depends on the individuals drive to go and take it!
I say once again the same thing that I said to Kelli.
This isn't just about jobs. But, speaking of that, a degree should provide you with a good opportunity,
not a job you have to bust your ass to get and keep that will barely pay off your loans on time, let alone
do all the things an income should.
People are not waiting for things to be given to them except their rights.
We are dancing on the first amendment.
And remember, the degree, the job, and luck also have a lot to do with your employment.
You can have it all and then get laid off and diagnosed with a chronic illness all at the same time.
Yes, you worked for what you have, and you still have it.
What about the people who worked for what they had, and lost it? Is it their fault?
Job cuts are not our responsibility. Outsourcing is not our fault. Greed and desire for cheap labor is not something to talk down to from your well paid pedestal.
Take your government back, because job or not, you no longer have as much of a say as you should.
Now it's all the corporations PACs that can provide unlimited funds to their campaigns of choice, you can only donate up to 2500 to your representative of choice.
Human need not Corporate Greed.
Where is my post?
The protest should be all about the over burden of taxes put on us. The IRS should be abolished entirely. The Federal reserve bank is a private entity not even part of the government. They make interest off the backs of the people, they are tax exempt, the few men that run this bank have an empire. There is nothing Federal about it ! Our tax codes need to change. It is so hard to understand the codes that are 1,000's of pages. We need a simple form of tax where everyone pays the same. TIRED OF THIS CRAP!!!!…
Read and try again. Remember, Ron Paul is an OBGYN, not a god.
Citizen, First I would like to know how you get pen and type with it.
I know exactly what I'll be protesting. It will be against the Wall Street criminals who are methodically creating a global economy. They, the Wall Street criminals, corporations and big banks have figured out more can be made by producing goods cheaper and selling them for less to a global market. No unions, EPA, and Government regulations to worry with. Producing one single product for 25 cents which includes shipping cost and selling it to a global market for $1.25 is a profit margine of $1.00 equals to a 6-7 billion dollar profit. This is opposed to producing the same product with unions, EPA and Government regulatins in the United States at the cost of $2.00 and selling for $3.00 for a profit of 300 million dollars. This is just for one product. Multiply by thousands of products and there are billions of dollars for the Wall Street criminals, big banks and corporations to make. The result will be that we will be reduced to a third world oligarchy which includes you too Mr. Citizen. Sound far fetched? Do the math!
You are so right about the money's agenda. I read country of origin before I buy products. If it is made in UsA I am willing to pay more.
My prayers are for OccupyHouston's success.
Me Hardy
Thanks to both of you. We do not need to have the solution in our pockets when we see a problem and want to try to do something about it even though we may not be sure yet what that something will be.t
Big Government does not work in a capitalist society!
I have been censored twice now–blatant hypocrisy any one? Are you for free speech or not, Daily Cougar? I have said nothing that violates your policies as outlined below. Why won't you share the truth with your readers?
I think I am seeing a correlation between the views shared in this article, and the mob mentality about to unfold all over the US tomorrow in the name of Democracy. #occupy freespeech…sponsored by ttp://
Shame on you.
News at 11: Dailycougar does not allow all comments! (It's not like they don't say it at the bottom of this page…)
It's a war on CORRUPTION of capitalism, NOT capitalism itself.
It is not an anti-government protest at ALL. it's not even a political movement.
GET INFORMED before spewing your ignorant fox news spiel.
Yep, thought so. As an alumni, I am sorely disappointed on the slouching standards of Official Student Newspaper of the University of Houston since 1934. Taking a stance encouraging anti-government protests? Who's your boss?
This is not an anti-government protest. Odd that you'd equate Wall Street with government. Or is it?
Call it what it is Joe. It is a war on Capitalism and the West. Are the protesters not saying that the Government is in bed with the corporations (which I happen to agree with by the way)? What's that all about, Joe??
See, Joe here is a prime example of a useful idiot, who doesn't even know what he is going to be protesting. He's just fed up and angry. Someone is going to pay. What I'm saying, is that we are ALL going to pay with this debacle–mark my words…
This was a neo-commie rag when I was at UH in the '80s. The student editors are simple tools of the Ostablishment.
Why does the Web site that you reference state that they ". . . will never ask you for donations for maintenance to this site or for occupiers. These are most likely scams trying to cash-in on the movement." (see ) while all pages on the site include a DONATE button linked to a page that claims to be collecting donations for these purposes?
Mr. Restivo, VERY WELL SAID. I'm 45 years old i've seen our economy do its normal ups and downs but this is the worst i've ever seen. For you college students don't be so gullible and living in a fantacy world that once the Right President gets in office or once i Graduate everything will be fine, i assure you it won't, we have not seen the worst of it, most of you will not be able to find jobs or pay for your loans once you graduate and you can thank your government and the way they conducted buisness with the corporate giants for it.
I Own a small Environmental Engineering Firm here in Houston i have 64 Resumes on my desk from U of H graduates and i can't hire any of them because Chase Bank who i have banked with for 15 years will not give me a operating exspence loan! and i have the contracts and Credit to back it. We as Americans need these Protest, we need to keep Our Government and the Big Corporations who we purchase product from in CHECK! The Problem i see with Occupy ???? Protest is they have no one with good credentials to back them, Who can take anyone serious if your in a Mask or look homeless. We really need smart well spoken college students to get in front of this " YOUR IT ! YOUR YOUR PARENTS,GRANDPARENTS AND CHILDRENS FUTURE. "TRUST ONLY THOSE YOU LOVE. AND QUESTION EVERONE ELSE"
"…[T]hey have no one with good credentials to back them." There is a corporate blackout over coverage of Occupy Wall St. (Occupy Houston) protests. Until very recently has mainstream media realized that this isn't going away and to get on board with it. You'll notice that in the change of tone they have adopted.
As for getting people with good credentials: Amy Goodman, Cornel West, Slavoj Zizek, Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann have all been fully supportive of Occupy Wall St. and other Occupy movements across the country. Tune into independent news channels – you will know i.e. FM 90.1 has Democracy Now! from 8am-9am, weekdays.
I remember the last protest I was at. U.H. in the spring of 1971 and the governor of Texas, Preston Smith, was going to address those who cared to listen. I, along with many others filled the auditorium, only to have his speech interrupted by some students from TSU who were yelling and screaming about frijoles or Free Lee Otis. Then one of the guys ran across the stage at the governor with a weapon but was stopped by the DPS and placed under arrest.
When it was over with many of us liberals at U.H. became conservative… because now we had seen the true face of liberalism. That was the day of my conversion… thank you Mickey Leland and your bunch of thugs for trying to ruin a wonderful day; ending up becoming a laughing stock around campus.
You are literally quoting Preston Smith. And why shouldn't people have protested? Lee Otis was sentenced to 30 years for possession of a marijuana cigarette.,9171,…
Frijoles, ha ha, like the OTHER brown skinned people do, right. And there was protesting in the early 70s? Really? Gosh, you ARE funny. And how proud we are you are posting on our Daily Cougar site. As a fellow alum, I am SO pleased of the fine example you set for our students of today. Thank you so much for sharing.
During the initial days of the Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia and then in Egypt, people were filling the streets with bread baguettes over their heads. They were protesting the rising food costs, and how difficult it was for an average person to afford a simple loaf of bread. This is something that a lot of Americans can relate to these days, unfortunately.
And where did the uprising lead them, Bob? Where is Egyptian Democracy, right now?
I encountered one of these idiot communist protestors once who was passing out fliers that reflected her Marxist lunacy. I asked her, "You don't really believe what your passing out, do you?" "Of course I do," she replied. "No you don't and I can prove it. if these fliers that you are passing out were one hundred dollar bills that you had earned yourself, would you be passing them out to strangers on the street?" "No," she replied, "but I'll never make a stack of one hundred dollar bills."
That pretty much explains these morons; since I'll never make any money, then you shouldn't be allowed either.
Do you understand anything you write?
I'm not a Marxist, but at least take the time to learn what it is before making weird-ass strawman arguments.
Alan, Your very own words betray you as a person just parroting what you hear on Faux "News" and not thinking for yourself.
Are you a Multi-Millionaire? I think not! Then YOU, m'dear, are one of the 99% that pays a LARGER percentage of your income in taxes than the 1% does. WE are FOR the 99%, and we want lower unemployment and a higher level of employment for those who are qualified, which your fabled "Job Creators" have not done in the past 11 years!!!
Trickle Down, my rosy-red butt!!! You should be joining us instead of deriding us. If YOU truly want success, then get off that high horse, because the atmosphere up there seems to be depriving your brain of oxygen.
If we are able to be successful in our endeavors, you just might be able to make those "fabled Millions" you so clearly wish for. If we are not successful, then you too, will be a serf, living in a Third World Nation.
1- there are idiots everywhere. this comment proves it, as do several others. you can't stop them from coming to the protest- it's america baby, gotta love it.
2- we are not a political party, we are fighting corruption. the solutions people believe in are ALL different. some are communist. don't make that all of us. i am pro capitalism and PRO FREEDOM most importantly.
3- that last comment needs to just be framed on the wall of stupid.
unless, that is, you're cool with the 1% of the world paying 15% or less in income tax and you paying 30-40% of the money you bust your ass to make.
I have a feeling this protest is going to turn into a freak show bringing out the NUT Cases and not help with the problem this country so desperately needs.
I was there, Old One, all day yesterday. I am a 58 yr old, educated, white, female who through the dubious 'benefit' of being disabled, was able to actually participate and see what the movement DID and how the people acted.
It may well be that all you will see on the news is the NUT cases, because that is called sensationalism and it is what SELLS. How naive of you to think that is somehow different from what you see everyday on the "news". This is an Industry whose motto is: If it Bleeds, It Leads.
Our organization is only 3 weeks old yet we, for the most part, are staying on message. I found the PEOPLE had varied causes, however the MOVEMENT was very On Message. Except for one young pup who had a sign that said 'it (the state of the economy) is NOT the Banks fault, it is YOUR fault, Work pays off!' Guess who got MORE face time with the press? If you answered the young pup, you'd be correct. They were all over him like flies on poo. One of him and 400 or so of the rest us all acting peacable and discussing issues in an intelligent and productive manner!!!!!!!!!!
Please see 2nd comment
We will continue to get better in the weeks going forward, but here is a short list of what we aren't and are:
1. We are NOT the "Tea Party" for the Left. There were people from ALL political stripes and guess what we found out? We had MORE ISSUES IN COMMON than differences.
2. We are not violent not ONE incident. The police were not violent either, so it just goes to show you that the Mayor and CoP, have a great deal more to do with how the Movement is treated than does the region of the country.
3.We are not a "Protest". Oh, sure, we are against the excesses of Banks and the deregulation of our Government in general, but we are a Movement, not a protest. We are FOR things like :more jobs, whether they be private or public sector, we are FOR improving the economy by Banks paying "Bailout" dollars back or LENDING to small businesses so THEY can hire more people, we are FOR the PEOPLE having more voice in our elective process than CORPORATIONS, we are FOR getting the deadwood OUT of Congress that is stalling the Government from doing it's ONLY job and THAT is, of course: to work FOR the People.
Look at JDubb link>>>>>>>>>>>>>This is what i mean by Nut Cases not helping
Then just ignore him. It worked for us yesterday, 1 idiot, 400 others talking out their issues in a peaceful, intelligent fashion.
Good Job J Dubb…………..What did you post The Daily Couger won't put up ?
I am trying to get across that while I sympathize with the message, and understand the frustration that is going on in the country (believe me) that there are some truly dubious groups at the head of this movement. They are hijacking a message that has been put forth by the Tea Party for years now: Stop government corruption/get the bankers out of the government/stop crony Capitalism, etc. All the while, the media and the left have been mocking the Tea Party and portraying them as extremists, racists, aggressive…you name it. Now, these hipsters come along, saying the same thing, and all of a sudden they are the saviors of Democracy. Ba-Lo-Ney!! What I am trying to get across, is that the message that they are using, is just a front to gain momentum and numbers…then those creepy little V for Vendetta masks are going to come off, and you will see extreme radical leftists, Socialists, in fact, waging an all out no-holds-barred war on Capitalism and the American Way. Is that PC enough for you, DailyCougar?
I tried to reply to you, Old One, and explain my viewpoint…but my response "has to be reviewed by a moderator". We'll see if they censor me or not. If you don't get a response, you will know that the Cougar has bitten my throat again, to silence my dissenting viewpoint. :))
Ugh…(gurgling sound)…the Cougar's got me….
Sir. To quote you:
"This is exactly how change happens. Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have all started major government reforms because their citizens took to the streets and told the government to change or else."
Or else what? You will riot? You will kill people? You will rape journalists like happened in Egypt?
It seems that you are advocating revolution and possibly socialism. Is this the case? If you're so convinced that your ideas are right, argue them but don't threaten decent and hard working people.
Be advised, we are watching you closely and we outnumber you "useful idiots" by a factor of 1000. We also are aware of your SEIU friends who will "spontaneously" join you. Just try rioting here.
I hear that you and your like are planning on camping out in Hermann Park? Good. They like young little boys like you in those woods.
The fact that any of us is having to have this conversation, is example of sadness. This is The United States of America. Why would you act affraid to set your government straight. Mr citizen? It is your duty, all our duties. America was founded on the fact that we were taxed by the crown, yet had no parliment seat. This is exactly the same thing. It's your government its your RIGHT. Fear drives far to many of us to just, sit down be patient. We have judges that legislate from the bench, corporate donations to drive who we elect. Seats that go unchallanged. The people out there are not afraid to say, every one every where, no matter color, religion, sex, or any thing else that is inherant ( in the character of) AMERICAN no party lines, no sponsorships, no BS
I've generally supported the board's editorials, but Jesus, please stay away from foreign affairs. Saudi Arabia? What?
Everything these people want IS tea party except for the government tit to suck part
Which Tea Party would that be????
The original people-driven one with true angst over what they saw to be excesses? THAT Tea Party was subsumed by…. the Dick Armey Tea Party…..or the Koch Brothers Tea Party! The message was as lost as the meaning of what they were about. Drowned by the "Millions of Corporate and PAC money" swamp that corrupts everything it touches.
Or even the Tea Party that rode the wave of economic woes and jobless misery all the way to Washington, only to SELL OUT to the Republican Party and the Lobbyist Machine that finances them?
This Movement is NOT about Partisan Politics, it IS about issues. Issues that we all share, so stop thinking in terms of "Party" and start thinking in terms of ISSUES!
Then you will get what this movement is about.
Citizen, wake up and smell the coffee! These protesters in parks are doing so because jobs aren't available anymore. Thousands if not millions of jobs have been moved to Asia and India. I expect sometime in the future reverse imigration might be the norm. Move to China, leagally of course. It would be difficult to do so as illegal immigration would not be tolerated and it is impossible to pass as a Chinese citizen unless you are of Chinese desent. Not to mention the language problem. Shout free market all you want. It won't be here much longer, and I doubt you will be part of the one percent top money guys. Oh, but you will have your freedom from big government.
I'm for occupy wall street… but this article is clearly written by an amateur "reporter" who needs to go back and get "substance." Rule of reporting (I know, I was a reporter for some time for a daily newspaper)- inform… don't impose your opinion. Journalism is about giving the facts and letting the reader decide. "UH students should make an effort to come out…" wrong. No one likes to be told what to do. Congratulations editorial staff, you shot occupy houston in the foot.
This is an Op-Ed piece. If it were news it would have been in the news section.
I'm for occupy wall street… but this article is clearly written by an amateur "reporter" who needs to go back and get "substance." Rule of reporting (I know, I was a reporter for some time for a daily newspaper)- inform… don't impose your opinion. Journalism is about giving the facts and letting the reader decide. "UH students should make an effort to come out…" wrong. No one likes to be told what to do. Congratulations editorial staff, you shot occupy houston in the foot.
You do realize you're reading a op-ed right?
Generally, the protest is against capitalism. Why don't you just say it.
The fact that America is finally having this discourse gives hope to the heart that democracy is still alive and hasn't been squashed by those who want to purchase it for their own gain.
This isn't Libya or Egypt. We as citizens have a moral duty to change our government or depose it when we no longer see it fit to rule us.
Thankfully, we have the opportunity throw our representatives out every two years. Lets start with that.
The form of our Government is STILL good and STILL valid so no need to "depose" or revolt. But it has been corrupted by the Oligarchy and Corporatocracy that funnels Billions of untaxed dollars into Lobbyist Organizations and Directly into the Pockets of Politicians. This MUST be corrected or we will no longer have a VOICE in our own Government.
So Voting for the right Candidate is not enough. You Must keep your EYES on them once they get into office. If their actions do not live up to the promises they made, the VOICE YOUR DISPLEASURE, EARLY, LOUDLY AND OFTEN.
Again, we see, how a lack of understanding about foreign affairs is quite common among our young members of the 4th estate in their little wrongheaded comparison between two wholly different subjects. When one cannot tell the difference between the uprising of an oppressed people against their dictators who are being shot at and killed en mass, and those protesting their state taxmen in their spare time, one ought not pester the inkwell.
Jobs will come back if Americans agree to give up their benefits and work as slave laborers. China and India did and look where they are!
Yes and in short order it will come back to bite those countries in the behind, especially China, which has built an entire economy on thousands of ghost towns that are created just to employ its enormous population. I wouldn't call that sustainable. They've also managed to turn parts of the country into an environmental wasteland.
I want free stuff … is this the movement for me?
You you can pick any movement you like; environmental issues are rather vogue thesedays. Just ask the movie stars. Yes, your right to redress is quite free.Well, kindof — you may end up in jail if you spit on a cop or something. Oh, BTW, Wall Street, is not the government so, strickly speaking, protesting on Wall Street (or a reasonable faxsimile thereof in Austin) isn't quite the same as say, a staged protest outside the White House. But why quibble over details. Protests are great ways to get out, meet new people, and win fresh enimies. And if you don't know how to join one, join a company that, for a sum, will stage one for you, complete with mass-produced placards and everything. Long live Amerika!
No, Brucw, you would be part of the "other side".
Nice turnout, hipsters.
Finally the people of America have woken up, but as I read some comments, I see that there are some citizens asleep and blinded…they must be working for Wallstreet. I am quite disgusted as well, I have been working at a refinery off of 225 for over 25 years. Our contract will be up for renewal in Jan. 2011, the filthy rich owners want to take away our health insurance and offer us a bone. Now you tell me where the hell "Loyalty" is? These crooks will not get away with it. The more they government gets away with, the more they try to take. Gas prices are soaring and KPRC channel 2 is reporting that gas prices are remaining "low" they are obviously working to protect our greedy oil executives. Keep protesting and I pray that it grows to hundreds of thousands and we scare the hell out of our washington elected monkeys.
On the subject of "loyalty": Are you loyal to the company? If another company offered you more money, better hours, or better benefits, you'd go, wouldn't you? You are loyal to yourself. So, if the employee's aren't loyal (which they rationally shouldn't be), why would you expect your employer to be loyal?
Did it occur to you that part of the reason the company is dumping the insurance is because of OBAMACARE. Lots of companies are doing it because why should they have to deal with it now, the government is going to do it for them. How about the fact that good ole Obama blocks our country from accessing those resources so there could be a chance at lowering those gas prices?
I was at the bank today "capital One" I had been curious to know why when you deposit more than $5,000 they place a hold on ALL amounts over the $5,000 for 14 days. After talking with the branch President I was told this is a "Federal Law" and its part of the patriot act to prevent Terrorist from opening accounts and funding Terrorist acts in this country. What? So I asked him what is happening in that 14 day period while my money sits in a ghost account (keep in Mind the check has been cashed and funds have been taken from my clients account I confirmed this).
I work in banking and that's a lie. Reg CC look it up. It's discretionary on the bank but reg CC limits the time they can hold funds. the bank does not legally have to hold any funds unless a court ordered levy/freeze is issued.
I was at the bank today "capital One" I had been curious to know why when you deposit more than $5,000 they place a hold on ALL amounts over the $5,000 for 14 days. After talking with the branch President I was told this is a "Federal Law" and its part of the patriot act to prevent Terrorist from opening accounts and funding Terrorist acts in this country. What? So I asked him what is happening in that 14 day period while my money sits in a ghost account (keep in Mind the check has been cashed and funds have been taken from my clients account I confirmed this).
I was told they (homeland security) FEDS background check my company,My Company's bank accounts,Company Taxes, then they do the same for owners of the account, and repeat the process for where the check came from. Keep in mind this happens every time you make a deposit of over $5,000. I've always had my doubt and didn't believe when folks said corporate banks and government are purposely trying to hurt Small Businesses, I'm seeing it first hand. I can't start my next job for 14 days until this check clears. Unless I open charge accounts with vendors or get a loan from the bank which they will not give.I have always been someone who has always trusted our government and our democracy,well that trust is flying by the wayside. Those folks at Occupy Wall Street that the MAIN stream media and politicians call fanatics or nut cases .They arent nut cases they are right!
You've got THAT right susieQ! So Stop using the Banks that don't treat your money like it is your money. Bank with your local Credit Union or a Regional Bank, like Frost (no, I do NOT work for them) that took NOT ONE DIME IN "Bailout" money!
Stop Using the Corporations that took down the economy for that is just rewarding bad behavior.
EXACTLY – boycot GM, Chrysler and their greedy UAW members!
Incorrect! THAT would be the successful bailout that save millions of US jobs. Susie and I were referring to the Banksters and Corporate Exporters of US Jobs like Wal-Mart & ATT (just to name two).
#occupy reality:……
yeah…did you pay any attention to the last 50 years, between 1933 and 1983, the most stable period in America, and we had the highest tax rates for corporations…up to 90%…1933-1983, basically America's heyday…please educate yourself. Look at the German economy for a good starting point.
While I like to see action being taken toward a goal it's sad to know this will have no effect and nobody will consider the concerns of the protesters.
Is it just me or are the majority of the stories in the daily cougar poorly written. The author tends to miss the point and make statements that I think they heard someone else say, which is why they tend to look ill informed and miss guided
The person that wrote this story sounds like many of the liberals on campus who keep speaking of the EU and their awesome socialist policies….They still have no idea about how weak the EU is and that out of all the countries that participate only ONE makes money….If the socialism is so great then why is it a money loosing business
Thanks for the poorly written article DEVOID of key information. PLEASE find better sources!! Hints: or KPFT Houston.
Your article caused more damage than good to Occupy Houston. Just look at all crazies that came out of the woodwork.
Next time try placing facts, information and critical thinking above opinions or soundbites. Mainstream media is an intellectual ghetto – don't emulate them. I expect higher quality from a college newspaper.