The UH Law Center’s Master of Laws program was voted No. 1 in Texas by lawyers across the state.
The Best of Texas survey, first conducted in 2010 by Texas Lawyers magazine, was sent to over 40,000 readers and email subscribers. These readers voted for the state’s best law services and products in more than 40 different categories.
“It is quite a milestone for the Law Center, and a positive sign from the local community that we are succeeding with our mission of providing excellence in legal education,” said UHLC Dean Raymond T. Nimmer in an email.
This year was the first time the Master of Laws category was part of the survey; the UHLC’s master’s program was ranked the best in Texas, above the University of Texas and Southern Methodist University.
“That’s fantastic,” said Rohini Krishnamachari, a graduate student of international law. “I got into all three of those universities and tried to do extensive research on every university and selected Houston, because it’s on the top of the list in the corporate sector and also because the professors have on-the-job experience in the field.”
The Law Center’s Master of Laws degree program offers over 200 courses including health law and intellectual property and information law, which were ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News & World Report.
“I got into (the University of) Aberdeen in Scotland and here, and the one thing that made me come here was the quality of the professors,” said Joao Verne, a graduate student of energy, environment and natural resource law.
“Even though Aberdeen was the first in the world to offer an LL.M. (Master of Laws) in oil and gas, I still chose Houston because it was in the United States, and I would have the opportunity to take classes with Dr. Jacqueline L. Weaver. I just thought it would be the best.”
Verne, who is an international student from Portugal, said that even students in England who live closer to Aberdeen University are still choosing UH.
The program’s quality and its involvement with major corporations located in Houston make it a more appealing choice to students in this field.
“When I was researching the school, I found that Houston was really high in the national rankings,” Verne said. “And when the review comes out that we made first, more people will want to come here. I think that will raise the bar even more for the professors here, because if we are ranked number one, we won’t want to fall.”