Staff Editorial

Even in protests, violence is never the answer

Regardless of your stance on the Occupy Wall Street movement, the events that occurred on Tuesday in the streets of Oakland, Calif., are a red flag for the direction that the movement is going.

After 97 protesters were arrested for setting up illegal campsites and the remaining groups removed from the grounds on Tuesday morning, several hundred people made their way back to the area later in the evening. It was in their march from a downtown library to City Hall that they were met with police in riot gear that things got out of control.

Rising tension between the opposing forces came to a head when something was thrown at the officers, who then fired tear gas in the area — not once, but five times — according to the Huffington Post.

It has also been reported that police officers allegedly used flash bang canisters, allegations which they’ve denied adamantly.

It’s appalling that the Occupy Wall Street movement has grown to the point where doing harm to protesters is deemed necessary.

Events like these will only add fuel to the fire — because Oakland was the first instance of tear gas use in the Occupy movement, the protesters have seemingly gained recognition as martyrs, which will further inflate the outrage of the people involved.

As per the Geneva Protocol, the use of bio-chemical weapons is illegal during war, but we’re still able to employ this kind of weaponry in instances of riot.

However, the problem is not the use of tear gas.

The problem is that what started as the fight against Wall Street fat cats has evolved into something so much more than it needed to be.

These protests should have never grown to the point where people are so enraged that violence is an acceptable solution.

This might be a sign that all Americans need to reconsider their actions in this movement — and who and what it is exactly that we’re fighting for.


  • If you've paid attention to any meaningful protests where serious civil unrest is involved, you will note there is ALWAYS the inevitable "clash with police." There is no such thing as a civil protest when these kinds of hot ticket items are involved. This ain't some simple act of civil disobedience when a multitude gathers politely on the Washington mall. This is a serious movement expressed by folks (middle class — many) who are fed up with having the American Dream slowly pulled out from under them. Many people have worked their entire adult life to see the rewards whittled away. They feel utterly betrayed. What you are seeing is the anger at that betrayl. In the mix of the protesters are also parents of college-age kids. They are mad as hell., too. Just what harm or threat exactly can a pencil thrown at a heavily armed, tear-gas can-weilding constabulary pose anyway? I say, Let the deservedly angry throw things. Hand them bean bags and pillows, nerf bricks and megaphones. Raise some hell! Their tax dollars which pay for the cops, earned them the right.

  • It’s appalling that the Occupy Wall Street movement has grown to the point where doing harm to protesters is deemed necessary.

    Fixed that for you. I don't see anything appalling (or surprising, for that matter) about the size of the movement.

  • I couldn't agree more…"Violence is never the answer." Take a look at this police memo warning police in Arizona about a flyer that is allegedly being circulated at the Occupy Phoenix demonstrations:

    Here is the text of the flyer, in full, unedited:

    Nah, the police have NO good reason to be on edge…none at all. Unbelievable! I'll tell you, right now, this is not a peaceful protest. Get real, pay attention and quit glossing over the facts Daily Cougar.

  • I couldn't agree more…"Violence is never the answer." Take a look at this police memo warning police in Arizona about a flyer that is allegedly being circulated at the Occupy Phoenix demonstrations:

    Here is the text of the flyer, in full, unedited:

    Nah, the police have NO good reason to be on edge…none at all. Unbelievable! I'll tell you, right now, this is not a peaceful protest. Get real, pay attention and quit glossing over the facts Daily Cougar.

    • Sounds like an armchair lawyer trying tor reason his way to the conclusion that shooting people is sometimes a good idea. But I see your point.

      • Unless we are there, in person, I guess we are all just vicariously observing and responding, Yoyo. Not defending police brutality, here. In analyzing the view from my La-Z-Boy, it appears that there has been quite a bit of provocation on the part of the protesters during all of this. An old friend of mine had a saying that will always ring quite true–"You mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horns."

      • Unless we are there, in person, I guess we are all just vicariously observing and responding, Yoyo. Not defending police brutality, here. In analyzing the view from my La-Z-Boy, it appears that there has been quite a bit of provocation on the part of the protesters during all of this. An old friend of mine had a saying that will always ring quite true–"You mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horns."

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