| David Delgado/The Daily Cougar
Last week, Northeastern University’s Student Senate voted to halt plans to include a Chick-fil-A location on campus because of their donations to anti-gay organizations.
Spokeswoman for the college Renata Nyul said the university is happy with the outcome. “We are proud of the decision that affirms our university’s commitment to be an inclusive, diverse community that is respectful of all,” she said.
Similar petitions and requests have been popping up at colleges all across the country. NYU students obtained over 10,000 signatures to ban Chick-fil-A from campus. Ultimately the student government elected to allow the location, largely because — as with UH — the university does not have a direct relationship with the restaurant organization, but with Aramark instead.
These students are angry because over the last few years, Chick-fil-A’s charitable arm, The Winshape Foundation, has donated millions of dollars to groups like Exodus International, Focus on the Family, The National Organization for Marriage and the Pennsylvania Family Institute.
All of these organizations support anti-gay causes. Exodus International is an “ex-gay” organization that promotes treatments to “cure” homosexuality, largely by reinforcing gender stereotypes. Focus on the Family is infamous as well. Founder James Dobson has claimed in the past that “Same-sex relationships undermine the future generation’s understanding of the fundamental principles of marriage, parenthood and gender.” The National Organization for Marriage and the Pennsylvania Family Institute both seek to pass a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
Anyone who has craved a chicken sandwich on a Sunday already knows that the owners of Chick-fil-A are conservative Christians. They are closed on Sundays and include the phrase “to glorify God” in their mission statement. However, Christianity is by no means synonymous with homophobia.
There are many Christian organizations that support gay rights, but Chick-fil-A donates to none of them. The affiliated Winshape Foundation has co-hosted conferences with same-sex marriage opponents. The Foundation’s retreat center does not allow homosexuals. Potential hires at Chick-fil-A are required to divulge their marital status and religious beliefs before they can even be considered for employment.
The restaurant chain has had little to say on the matter. “We’re a restaurant that has a hospitality that says we’re here to embrace everyone who wants to come and be part of Chick-fil-A,” Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy claims, “So to be identified with some sort of hate group that has a political agenda — that is not Chick-fil-A at all.” But how can Cathy not think he would be identified with groups to which he gave millions of dollars? He would still like to have the business of the LGBT community but, “At the same time, we will continue to offer resources to strengthen marriages and families.’’ We all know what this is code for.
It seems apparent that the owners and operators of Chick-fil-A have an anti-gay agenda — but does that mean that Chick-fil-A restaurants should be removed from college campuses? That depends on the campus. Petitions and student government actions have their place and can act to a certain extent, but, as seen with NYU, they do not always have the power to remove a popular restaurant from campus. You can take a stand for gay rights on your own.
The University has many inexpensive and healthy options that lack the stigma of bigotry. If you support marriage equality — stop eating at Chick-fil-A.
A vote with your wallet will be worth as much, if not more, than SGA action.
Emily Brooks is an economics senior and may be reached at [email protected].
Perhaps you can clarify: not all new hires need to divulge their religious beliefs. The everyday workers who apply to individual stores don't — that's ridiculous.
Perhaps you too have experience working for Chick-fil-A. Maybe we somehow have different experiences. But I worked there for a few years during and right after high school. I was only a team member, but on my application I was definitely asked about my religious observance. Also, it was brought up by my managers after I was hired with regularity. At my location at least, non-observing Christians or especially non-Christians NEVER worked in management. After I left my faith I left Chick-fil-A, partially because of intellectual conviction.
I do think SGA ought to take action in this area. I've thought about this for a long time. I was just elected to Senate to represent CLASS. I plan to work toward the goal of removing this hateful company from our community.
Good article Emily. Keep up the good work… More people need to realize what they're supporting by just buying a chicken sandwich here.
I worked at CFA when I was 16 and in the two years I was there, I was never asked about my marital status, sexuality, or religious views.
Also, why is the opposition of same-sex marriage deemed anti-gay?
Why is opposition to integration or to interracial marriage deemed racist? Oh, because it is.
Because it is? Come on, I would expect a better reason than that from a supporter.
Are you seriously asking me to explain why it is "anti-gay" to suggest that same-sex couples shouldn't have the 1,000+ rights given to opposite-sex couples? The Supreme Court has called marriage "one of the basic rights of man." Every argument against same-sex marriage is rooted in false interpretations of Scripture and anti-gay religious tradition. If you need somebody to sit down with you and explain why being opposed to same-sex marriage is "anti-gay," that's pretty sad indeed. I'd have a lot more respect for you if you'd just come out and say you're anti-gay.
Also, Emmanuel, groups like Focus on the Family and Exodus International have a far, far, FAR broader agenda than opposition to same-sex marriage. They are inherently opposed to LGBT rights in general. Focus on the Family has historically stood for laws against gay sex, and Exodus International is a group that promotes destructive "ex-gay" therapy. To see these donations as simply anti-same-sex-marriage donations is woefully narrow and inaccurate. They are, indeed, "anti-gay" at their core.
Because opposing someone's right to marry based on their sexuality is insipid. We shouldn't be having this debate this century. Your question is ridiculous.
Your right, we should not discriminate against age either when it comes to sex. If it is consentual then why should society care if some 14-15 year old male/female hook up with a 30-40 male/female. This century we should not be having that debate.
Because a minor can't consent. That's basic law.
On to the bestiality/incest argument. Go ahead, bring it on.
or you will be seen as women rights supporter.. no, black rights supporter, eh? Wait, it’s actually Latino rights supporter. Or is it child rights? What century is this again..?
It is anti-gay. The real question is, why should one group of people get to decide the values and beliefs of another group of people? It's no secret how Christians view homosexuality, but it is their right to hold that belief.
CFA's lack of support does not invalidate the fact that gay people are people and deserve all the rights granted to the people of this country. Majority support should not matter. Like women's rights, slavery, and racial equality, gay rights must not be treated as an issue for democracy. It is an issue of civil rights and human rights.
Um call me anti-gay if you want (I am anti-sin) but I stand by CFA 100%..they stand by their beliefs as Christians! Everyone has a right to their own belief and if you don't like CFA, then I suggest you don't buy from them.
What you anti-gay fundamentalist theocrats don't seem to understand is that that "right" is a two-way street. Chick-fil-A has the "right" to donate to whomever it pleases. That isn't in dispute. However, equality-supporting consumers also have a right to boycott and to petition for Chick-fil-A's removal from college campuses. Chick-fil-A isn't the only one with "rights."
What you and others like you don't seem to understand is that the "right" you're talking about is a two-way street. Chick-fil-A has the "right" to donate to whomever it pleases. That is not in dispute. Equality-supporting consumers also have the right to boycott and the right to petition to have Chick-fil-A removed from college campuses. Chick-fil-A has the right to believe whatever it wants to believe, but it does not have the right to sell chicken wherever it wants. Period, end of story.
Also, I like how my original post was removed, presumably because I used the word "theocrats," when Alexandria can freely equate "gay" with "sin." Way to go, moderators.
Oh, because it is a sin.
It has every right to sell its product where ever it wants to Ugh. Period end of story.
Oh but I forgot you lose rights and are harrased if you don't support these types of issues 100%. Hello kettle, did you meet the pot you constantly attack?
You're missing the point.
Chick-fil-A does NOT have a right to be guaranteed space on a college campus to sell its product. Period. End of story.
It has the right to apply for said space. It is not guaranteed, you make it out that is has no right period to operate in said space. It like you has the right to want to sell somewhere. Does that want happen no. The company can want whatever it wants just like you can want something. A want is not a guarantee, let us clear that up. I know kids and many college students can't understand this concept.
It would seem hypocritical to force Chick-Fil-A out and claim to be all inclusive at the same time.
And it makes to sense to preach "be tolerant of the intolerant."
But hey! That's what the Christians also think!
This _is_ interesting!
Who ever claims to be "all inclusive"? What kind of naive game are you running? Are you trolling? Do you respond, "Well OBVIOUSLY not everyone at the party was piss drunk, but please continue?"
Do people describe you as a "good conversationalist"?
You're right. They didn't claim to be all inclusive. The actions to remove the vendor because it has a certain viewpoint does NOT line up with their goal of being inclusive and diverse. Tolerance is a 2-way street, my friend.
Wow, so my very nice post was removed quickly… I'll make it short then. I support CFA.
Once again, why are Christians and their affiliates being targeted? Do we not have a right to be included in the public sphere? Just because of this article, I will stop by Chick-fil-A for a second time today, just to spite you LGBT people. As I mentioned on Emily's last article about this subject, people like Chick-fil-A because it is a wholesome environment. Homosexuals are allowed to eat there, just like everyone else. Also, Chick-fil-A just so happens to basically be the healthiest fast food restaurant there is. So, let's ban CFA and make sure everyone eats as much unhealthy food as possible…. Oh wait, I thought you LGBT people were all about health…. Then of course, the extremely high STD rate would speak otherwise (http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/Newsroom/msmpressrelease.html)…. But I digress. Let bygones be bygones. CFA is absolutely loved in the south and easily has the largest line in the cafeteria. CFA isn't hurting you. They simply disagree with the immoral choice you LGBT people have made. So, let's agree to disagree on our views and go back to simply enjoying good fast food chicken.
Oh, and on a side note, I stopped buying from the campus Einstein Bros. Bagels because of their idiotic support of Fair Trade coffee, though I do love their bagels… So Emily, go ahead, don't buy from CFA, but don't try and force your views on the rest of us.
I think organizing a week when those who are against chick-fil-a supporting homophobic organizations are encouraged to boycott could be effective. For one, many students disagree with the bigotry but love those sandwiches so much they allow themselves to support chick-fil-a. That one week, if promoted well enough, could see diminished lines at either of the CFAs on campus. For another, with an informative educational aspect to the boycott, we could bring to light the issues that many may not be aware of.
You are a bigot by definition, Jessica. (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigot) What we need is for people who believe the way you do to grow up. I can only hope you don't attend school with us. I can't imagine someone with ideas so base and foolish being admitted to our school. You do not belong in a place of higher learning. You do not have the capability for it. You have demonstrated this to me and other readers through your intolerance, your idiocy.
then so be it. i don't argue with fools. 🙂 ill be sure to pray for you tonight as well Caleb.
Because having his own opinion and using a literal definition that you do fit perfectly makes him a fool…? Really?
Yeah. Again, thank you for showing how wonderfully open minded you are Jessica. And feel free to pray for me all you want. Whatever makes you happy. I'll still be happy with my boyfriend very much (and I am a guy.). Oh no, gayness!
Love is love, in every shape and form.
Also, all caps doesn't make you right. It just looks immature.
Based off the definition of a bigot, the supporters banning CFA are also bigots. They are clearly not tolerating the fact that CFA is opposed to gay equality or companies that have different beliefs.
While I totally disagree with you, I appreciate your honesty. I also enjoy your demonstration of the First Amendment. But I do seriously disagree with you.
that chicken be too good though….. I think i'll keep buying it.
I currently work for Chickfila, and little do they know that most of my paycheck goes to buying things for my boyfriend. People will always fear what they don't understand and the conservative nature of Chickfila will remain as long as they have their "Christian" values enforced through their corporate management. And I use "Christian" in quotation marks because last I checked, "God is Love" it doesn't specify gay or straight. Embrace who you are and let the bigots sell their chicken.
Removing Chick-Fil-A from campus would hurt our recruiting.
In a capitalist society, the only way your voice can be heard is with your wallet. Screw CFA, haven't purchased anything from them in about 4 months. Maintaining that, screw them and their backwards "christian values".
You can also send them feedback. It might seem pointless, but if they have to sift through 5000 emails/letters explaining that they are losing business because of their values, it will annoy them at the very least. 🙂
I *cannot believe* that is the headline.