
Students chime in on country’s concerns

By Andres Garcia

By Andres Garcia

An unscientific poll of 100 students showed some issues important to UH students. A majority said the economy is the most pertinent issue to consider when voting.

This is in line with what voters think nationally, as 92 percent of Americans want the next president to prioritize jobs, according to a Gallop poll released June 30. Digital media senior Reginald Jones said the economy is his biggest voting issue but acknowledges that everyone is accountable.
“The future of our country is in our hands. We must continue to move forward so that our children can have the same chances to succeed that we have been afforded,” Jones said. “In order to reestablish what makes this country so great, we have to do what we know in our heart is right.”

The economy is a broad topic and many students have different opinions. Economics senior Cristina Davis said unemployment rates worry her.

“Unemployment is high, and you’ve got a lot of uncertainty,” Davis said. “With graduating and looking for a job, you want to know that companies are hiring, and they’re willing to make a long-term investment in you.”

For finance junior Stephanie Reyes, foreign policy is a major concern.

“Whoever is elected president in November will have a tough job when it comes to fixing our relationship with other countries,” Reyes said. “Something needs to be done to protect our people across the world, as well as in our own country.”

Many students have opinions concerning immigration reform because of Texas’ proximity to Mexico and America’s diversity. Mechanical engineering freshman Paulin Serrano expects more from reform efforts.

“Most of my family immigrated here, and I want to know what (the) reform plan will be,” Serrano said. “Kicking people out of the country is not good. Hopefully, they do more than the act that they recently passed; it’s not enough.”

According to the USA Today’s Diversity Index, nine Texas counties are among the 40 most diverse in the nation.

For political science freshman Denny Donovan, education and its viability for the future are important.

“I personally think we will be ruined as a nation if we don’t invest in education — most importantly, higher education,” Donovan said. “An educated (citizenship) is essential to a healthy democracy.”

Despite many students’ knowledge on the issues, a popular response was, “I don’t know,” or “I don’t care.” Chemical engineering senior Loc Ngo is one of those who feels apathetic about the upcoming election.

“Really, I don’t know,” Ngo said. “I don’t pay attention to the elections.”

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1 Comment

  • As the saying goes, “elections have consequences”, direct or indirect, so if you “don’t know” or “don’t care” then don’t take offense to me saying, “don’t vote.” I believe your vote does count, so educate yourself beyond the 30 second political ads and media spin. You’re choosing who will lead our country, most likely thru difficult times, so please base your decision on important things like, “record” and “ability”, instead of “coolness” and “swagger.”

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