Activities & Organizations

SFAC presentations go onto their second day

The second round of Student Fees Advisory Committee hearings will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today in the University Center Bluebonnet Room.

Student organizations and University departments will present proposed budgets to the committee and request funds for fiscal year 2014 from the pool of student fees collected at the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year. All hearings are open to the public, according to the SFAC website.

The University Center and UC Satellite will give its presentation at 9 a.m. The UC is asking for a base of $1,598,609, with funds already coming from its UC Fee and its UC Transformation Fee of $3,381,000 and $7,979,690, respectively. It is also requesting a base augmentation, a permanent increase of that base budget, of $17,200. It predicits a deficit of $0 in FY13.

The Center for Student Involvement will present at 9:45 a.m. CSI is requesting a base of $773,941 and various augmentations totaling $166,693. For FY12, it ran a deficit of $19,729. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

The Student Government Association will request funds at 10:30 a.m. SGA is asking for a base of $142,399 and no augmentation. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $66,601. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

Frontier Fiesta Association will present at 11 a.m. Frontier Fiesta is requesting a base of $170,949 and an augmentation of $6,024. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $7,941. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

The hearings will be open to public comments at 11:30 a.m.

At 1 p.m., the Council of Ethnic Organizations will go in front of the committee. CEO is requesting a base of $153,258 and no augmentation. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $11,720. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

The Acitivities Funding Board will go up at 1:30 p.m. AFB is requesting a base of $147,002 and no augmentation. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $49,604. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

The Student Program Board will present at 2 p.m. SPB is requesting a base of $148,744 and a one-time allocation of $53,750 for FY13. It is also requesting an augmentation of $196,966. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $14,388. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

The Homecoming Board will present at 2:45 p.m. It is requesting a base of $72,137 and a base augmentation of $1,492. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $9,054. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

At 3:15 p.m., the A.D. Bruce Religion Center will go before the committee. The Religion Center is requesting a base of $124,682 and a variety of base augmentations totaling $131,428. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $33,684. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

The Children’s Learning Center will present at 3:45 p.m. The CLC is requesting a base of $79,211 and a fee budget request for scholarships of $65,000. For FY12, it ran a deficit of $16,359. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13.

At 4:15 p.m., the Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life will finish off the day’s hearings. CFSL is requesting a base of $185,699 and a variety of augmentations totaling $76,948. For FY12, it ran a surplus of $32,374. It predicts a deficit of $0 for FY13. It is also requesting to have a surplus of more than $1,000 for FY14.

Meetings will continue Friday, Nov. 2 in the same location at the same time.

All information about SFAC meetings can be found at

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