
Crime report: March 5 to Sunday

UH’s Police Department had several cases of pre-Spring Break crime last week, one of which resulted in the arrest of a student in Cougar Village.

The student, who will receive a Student Life referral, was arrested Friday for possession of marijuana and was transported to the Harris County Jail.

Since March 5, there have been four reported thefts at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center.

Two backpacks, a laptop and other personal property were reportedly stolen. One unattended and unsecured backpack was reported stolen on Tuesday, the other on Wednesday.

A visitor reported Wednesday that a pair of unknown individuals had stolen his unattended and unsecured laptop, and another student reported that his property was stolen out of his possibly-unsecured locker Thursday.

Also on Thursday, a man unaffiliated with the University was identified at Cullen Oaks and was arrested on suspicion of two robberies.

Two reported burglaries also occurred on Thursday.

In one case, a student reported that his unattended but secured vehicle was burglarized near the South Park Annex, and in the other, a student submitted an online report that his room at the Quadrangle was broken into and various items were stolen.

For more up-to-date information, UHPD posts the daily crime bulletin at

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