
Muslim Student Association draws a big crowd

A record of number of students showed up to the Muslim Student Associations first fall meeting. The organization is now waiving its membership fee to new members. | Photo Courtesy of Muslim Student Association

A record of number of students showed up to the Muslim Student Associations first fall meeting. The organization is now waiving its membership fee to new members. | Photo Courtesy of Muslim Student Association

As students settle into their weekly routine, student organizations across campus hit the ground running with events to attract members.

The Muslim Student Association kicked off the fall semester with a general body meeting that included a group “Jeopardy”-inspired game, kickball, tacos and a piñata Friday afternoon at the A. D. Bruce Religion Center.

There was an overwhelming number of Cougars in attendance, many of whom had never been involved with the organization. The second floor of the building became standing room only.

“We didn’t expect this many people. We didn’t even have enough chairs for the amount of people,” said petroleum engineer junior and MSA treasurer  Javid Sultan. “I think (UH) has such a diverse campus — one of the most diverse campuses in America — and people need to recognize all groups of people. It’s a group for everyone.”

Several of the students were familiar with MSA through the weekly Friday prayers they organize. Math junior Aala Al-Hasan, who has attended the prayers in the past, said she was excited to finally become a member of MSA after putting it off for years.

“It’s time to see myself being active,” Al-Hasan said. “The biggest thing is that MSA is open to all. They’re very welcoming, and they always help you out when you need them.”

The organization, which has been at UH for more than 20 years, has focused its energy on community outreach, education and professional development. During the meeting, the president and officers presented their plans for the semester. They laid out the groundwork for both religiocentric and non-religious activities, which included sporting events, barbecues, lectures and a charity 5K walk-a-thon.

Students were invited to join without a membership fee, which would be the first time the MSA has opened its doors for free, said one of the officers.

For biochemistry senior Dema Shobaki, being a part of the MSA for three years created a sense of belonging within the campus and Muslim communities.

“I think this club really wants to improve their community, through volunteering for example. So it’s a really good opportunity for people to get to know different cultures and different religions to bring people together for a common cause,” Shobaki said. “You don’t have to be Muslim to be involved.”

The MSA has not only created a hub of good work and outreach, but it has provided a family for the diverse student body that comes from all across the United States and worldwide.

President Omar Ali, who is a mathematical biology senior, took pride in the presence the organization has at UH.

“There are people who travel, who come here from different states, who don’t really know anyone,” Ali said. “Their source of meeting other people is through the MSA. As much as it is a religious thing, there is a very social aspect to it.”

As president, Ali serves on the A. D. Bruce Religion Center Board, where he engages in interfaith dialogue with other ministries and religious organizations on campus.

“One of the most beautiful things is finding some source of unity rather than focusing on the differences between religions,” Ali said.

Throughout the meeting, students forged personal connections with their peers and enjoyed a sense of comfort and belonging, like Aayna Shamsi, who is a first-year graduate student at the College of Pharmacy.

“I like that the organization, the structure, everything is laid out in front of the members. They provide the social aspect. That’s a bonding experience,” Shamsi said. “The kind of bonds that are being created right as we speak can go on for a lifetime.” [email protected]


  • Mash’Allah very nice! Great organizations like these help ofset the troubled image that many people hold against Muslims and their beliefs

    • Rubbish. Every time there is a 9-11 anniversary, the academic media fills up with stories about Muslims fretting about their “troubled image.” The “troubled image” never materializes. Instead, Americans are fed a steady diet of false stories about (alleged) “backlash”– maliciously designed to deflect attention away from jihad attacks and create false sympathy for the attackers.

      David J. Rusin noted in National Review, “a detailed analysis of FBI statistics covering ten full calendar years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks reveals that, on a per capita basis, American Muslims, contrary to spin, have been subjected to hate crimes less often than other prominent minorities. From 2002 to 2011, Muslims are estimated to have suffered hate crimes at a frequency of 6.0 incidents per 100,000 per year – 10 percent lower than blacks (6.7), 48 percent lower than homosexuals and bisexuals (11.5), and 59 percent lower than Jews (14.8). Americans should keep these numbers in mind whenever Islamists attempt to silence critics by falsely invoking (alleged) Muslim victimhood.”

      American academics have an intellectual duty to stop uncritically parroting this brand of factually discredited propaganda taqiyya that offers aid and comfort to Islamo-supremacists in our midst.

  • In the interest of full disclosure, MSA are a notorious Muslim Brotherhood affiliate and propaganda mouthpiece for Hamas terrorists.

    Recall also, in a 6 to 3 decision, the Supreme Court upheld a federal law that makes it a crime for Americans to provide “material support” of any kind (be it in the form of cash, weaponry, training, personnel, services, or “expert advice or assistance”) to a foreign terrorist organization, even if that support is for (ostensibly) peaceful purposes.

    Hamas would be one such example. It conducts terrorist attacks against Israel with one part of its organization while spitting propaganda lies with another. Propagandizing for them allows Hamas to not have to spend propaganda funds for its terrorist activities.

    Upcoming Congressional hearings will undoubtedly focus the spotlight on MSA terrorism enablers. For those interested in a fuller disclosure of the MSA, read their dossier.

    So, thanks once again to MSA propagandists for making it easier for Obama’s NSA to track your activities and Holder’s Justice Department to prosecute your material support propaganda campaigns.

    And good luck finding a job with “terrorism enabler” emblazoned on your resume.

    • I didn’t expect this kind of comment from a Tier 1 institution community. MSA are all over the country at both high schools and universities. They are engaged in community outreach programs. Do you really think if MSA programs were engaged in activities you allege they would exist… for the record their are 2 billion plus Muslims in the world and are productive members of their respective communities

      • pffl… these predictably empty-headed denials (argumentum ad populum) would be comical, if they weren’t so tragically common in Tier 1 wacademia.

        Notwithstanding, intellegent folks accept the inability to address cited evidence as the admission of intellectual bankruptcy that it is.

        Grade: F- (fallacious)


      • Do not worry. So-called “Arafat” is a troll who frequently posts things like this on the Daily Cougar site, and has been for the last 5 years. Google “ganesha akbar muslim” and you will see that he, too, is a troll who posts on multiple college newspaper sites about the MSA and Muslims in general.

        And yes, through a series of false-front companies and charities anything can be perpetrated and anyone can be funded.

  • Former MSA members…..

    o Anwar al-Awlaki

    , an influential American-born
    al-Qaida cleric who recruited a series of homegrown jihadists before being
    killed by a U.S. drone strike;

    o Aafia Siddiqui, convicted of attempted murder
    and assault on U.S. officers and employees in Afghanistan;

    o Zachary Chesser, convicted of attempting to
    provide material support to the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab and
    soliciting attacks on “South Park” producers for an episode in which
    the prophet Muhammad was shown in a bear suit;

    o Jesse Morton, convicted with Chesser of
    threatening the South Park producers with murder;

    o Adam Gadahn, an al-Qaida spokesman who is on
    the FBI’s Most Wanted List for treason and material
    support to al-Qaida;

    o Waheed Zaman, who was convicted of plotting to
    blow up transatlantic flights;

    o Adis Medunjanin, who is awaiting trial for
    plotting to bomb New York subways;

    o Ramy Zamzam, who was convicted in Pakistan of
    conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks;

    o Omar Hammami, who was indicted on charges of
    providing material support to al-Shabbab and is designated by the U.S. Treasury Department
    for his terrorist connections;

    o Muhammad Junaid Babar, who pled guilty to his support to
    al-Qaida; and

    o Syed Hashmi, who pled guilty to providing
    material support to al-Qaida.

  • “One of the most beautiful things is finding some source of unity rather
    than focusing on the differences between religions,” Ali said….

    That’s pretty funny!

    Islam – a religion with core tenets that preclude all other religions from practicing in Muslim lands on an equal footing – Ali tells us is looking for a source of unity. Ali, I want to buy a bridge from you.

    But seriously, Ali, why is it that in all Muslim lands non-Muslims and their religions are treated with contempt? Why is it that in all Muslim lands non-Muslim religions eventually disappear? Is that your idea of unity?

      • Yes, indeed.
        Muslims are currently wiping out the Chaldean, Coptic, Assyrian Christians from their native lands, but we never hear Muslim leaders (or the MSA) speaking up about these horrors.
        It’s as if this is A-OK as far as Muslims are concerned, for the only time we hear them speak up is when the problems affect their people and only their people.
        Yet they tell us their religion is a compassionate religion. Isn’t the definition of compassion caring for others? I guess Muslims define the word differently than we do in the Western world.

        • American Muslims may be the very soul of moderation. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable for folks to ask for more from (allegedly) “peaceful” Muslims than disingenuous whitewashing of uncomfortable elements of Islamic sharia tradition, as practiced by MSA members.

          A genuinely tiny minority of anti-sharia Muslims does exist.

          Americans grow weary waiting for the vast majority of (allegedly) “peaceful” American Muslims supporting this genuinely tiny minority of their co-religionists… we won’t hold our breath.

          • It’s interesting to note (and also vitally important) that Islam cannot exist without Sharia law, and that under Sharia all non-Muslims are considered inferior people. This, of course, can be seen very clearly wherever Islam demographics are high such as in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Somalia and elsewhere.
            So much for the Bill of Rights, eh?

      • I think you have a distorted view about Muslims in general and are using this site as your soapbox. Please do go on and get it out of your system.

        • A distorted view about Muslims? Really.

          And how would you describe Muslim behavior in places like Sudan where they gang-raped countless women, murdered a million blacks and created 3 million refugees?

          Or how would you describe Muslims like those responsible for one million killed in the seven year long Iran/Iraq War?

          And what about all those tortured and raped and gassed in Syria?

          Or the beheading of journalists and aid workers in places like Pakistan, Somalia, Nigeria and elsewhere?

          Maybe it is you who has a distorted view of Muslims.

        • You should visit an orthodox Jewish synagogue. Strict halacha-compliant enforcement of “gender apartheid” through mandatory seating segregation (whew what a mouthful).

          • pffl… empty-headed tu quoque? That’s all Yoyo has?

            Of course, a relevant comparison would be if Hillel enforced gender apatheid in taxpayer-funded campus facilities.

            Insofar as Hillel does not, Yoyo’s bigoted smear falls flat.

            Once again, American Muslims may be the very soul of moderation. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable for folks to ask for more from (allegedly) “peaceful” Muslims than disingenuous whitewashing of uncomfortable elements of Islamic sharia tradition, as practiced by MSA members in taxpayer funded facilities.

            A genuinely tiny minority of anti-sharia Muslims does exist.

            Americans grow weary waiting for the vast majority of (allegedly) “peaceful” American Muslims supporting this genuinely tiny minority of their co-religionists… try harder to avoid defending the indefensible (sharia-compliant) gender apartheid practices of the MSA, Yoyo.

  • Here is another ‘gem’ from the ‘honorable’ duo who hate Muslims because it is cool to do so!
    I googled this duo, the two ‘Super heroes’ of yesteryear who crave recognition. This is what I found in a story about Muslim-Jewish Unity.
    I feel sorry for our two friends.

    Arafat June 1, 2011 at 8:33 pm
    My oh my there’s that dreaded “McCarthyism” accusation. Problem is, Hunter, being honest about Islam is not McCarthyism, it is honesty.
    Here are some additional McCarthys for you to rail against. It’s an honour to see Islam as the following men saw, and experienced Islam.

    And replying to a story about “Muslim student group hosts discussion on mental health” in The Daily Northwestern

    Ganesha akbar on May 7th, 2013 10:21 am
    “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.” — Ayatollah Khomeini
    It is a totalitarian impulse to curb all outlets for human pleasure and joy, so that the human soul is enslaved and focused solely on what the masters want it to be focused upon.

      • There is no such word as Candorphobic, just like no one believes your distorted rhetoric.
        Keep up your hatred and it will consume you.
        Give up your hatred and you will feel happiness.
        I hope one day you will stop feeling so miserable and give up on lashing out at others just because you have problems.

        • pffl… here we see yet another textbook specimen of Candorphobia (fear and loathing of perfectly legitimate criticisms of Islam), masquerading as a happy-go-lucky grammar Nazi.

          Sorry, but parroting the discredited “hate” smear does nothing (zero, nada, zlich) to diminish the Secular Muslim defense of human rights against apartheid Islamo-supremacism.

          Try harder to repress that incontinent reflex to psychologically project your own miserable feelings of hatred onto freedom-loving Secular Muslims of good will.

              • I could keep you occupied like this for days if I chose to do so, but what is the point. You peddle hatred and have no real moral argument and no good intentions towards anyone.
                You live your life in perpetual misery and I shall find a more refined mind to share my thoughts.
                Goodness always wins in the end.

                • heh… Thanks for the free advertising, Frenchie. Here we see yet another textbook specimen of insecure self-congratulation, retreating from the intellectual field in disgrace and defeat.

                  Sorry, but your miserable whining does nothing to diminish the Secular Muslim defense of human rights against apartheid Islamo-supremacism.

                  So take your craven campaign and go. We will not go away, we will not be silenced, and we will never stop fighting.

                  Lan astaslem!

  • The St. Petersburg Declaration
    April 5, 2007

    We are secular Muslims, and secular persons of Muslim societies. We are believers, doubters, and unbelievers, brought together by a great struggle, not
    between the West and Islam, but between the free and the unfree.

    We affirm the inviolable freedom of the individual conscience. We believe in
    the equality of all human persons.

    We insist upon the separation of religion from state and the observance of
    universal human rights.

    We find traditions of liberty, rationality, and tolerance in the rich
    histories of pre-Islamic and Islamic societies. These values do not belong to
    the West or the East; they are the common moral heritage of humankind.

    We see no colonialism, racism, or so-called “Islamaphobia” in submitting
    Islamic practices to criticism or condemnation when they violate human reason or

    We call on the governments of the world to

    reject Sharia law, fatwa courts, clerical rule, and state-sanctioned
    religion in all their forms; oppose all penalties for blasphemy and apostasy, in
    accordance with Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights;

    eliminate practices, such as female circumcision, honor killing, forced
    veiling, and forced marriage, that further the oppression of women;

    protect sexual and gender minorities from persecution and violence;

    reform sectarian education that teaches intolerance and bigotry towards

    and foster an open public sphere in which all matters may be discussed
    without coercion or intimidation.

    We demand the release of Islam from its captivity to the totalitarian
    ambitions of power-hungry men and the rigid strictures of orthodoxy.

    We enjoin academics and thinkers everywhere to embark on a fearless
    examination of the origins and sources of Islam, and to promulgate the ideals of
    free scientific and spiritual inquiry through cross-cultural translation,
    publishing, and the mass media.

    We say to Muslim believers: there is a noble future for Islam as a personal
    faith, not a political doctrine;

    to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Baha’is, and all members of
    non-Muslim faith communities: we stand with you as free and equal citizens;

    and to nonbelievers: we defend your unqualified liberty to question and

    Before any of us is a member of the Umma, the Body of Christ, or the Chosen
    People, we are all members of the community of conscience, the people who must
    choose for themselves.

    Endorsed by:

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali
    Magdi Allam
    Mithal Al-Alusi
    Shaker Al-Nabulsi

    Nonie Darwish
    Afshin Ellian
    Tawfik Hamid
    Shahriar Kabir

    Hasan Mahmud
    Wafa Sultan
    Amir Taheri
    Ibn Warraq
    Manda Zand
    Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi


      An 18-page document listing the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” (including the MSA) that shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation. These “friends” were identified by the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”

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