You’re sitting in that 8 a.m. traffic, trying to get to school, someone cuts you off and you want to say a few unkind words to them. This series of events is just like signing up for classes — everyone is trying to get to the same place.
You put everything into the shopping cart and when you go to click the button to enroll, suddenly the class is full. Then you have to do it all over again, rearrange your classes because you really don’t want to sign up for that 9 a.m. Saturday class.
Is there anyway to make this process any easier? The first advice I can offer is to relax. Know that you don’t have to rush to get into these classes and that unless you’re a senior, you can always take a certain class next year. Sometimes you can’t, though; maybe your major requires it a certain year or you’re a senior.
So what do you do? You wait! Many students are starting to realize that at the beginning of each semester, there is a day that many classes open up.
I refer to it as redemption day. A day when many students are dropped from classes and you’re free to go in and take them. It’s kind of like cutting someone off on the highway; it can be dangerous but, if done at the exact right time, highly beneficial.
Signing up for classes can be hard, frustrating and overall unsuccessful, but just like others, you will be able to overcome it. School is important, and classes are needed, but stressing out over it is like speeding on the highway — you may seem to be getting there faster, but it may lead to disaster.
Just remember to relax, plan and enjoy the car ride.
Advice columnist Ryan Thompson is a psychology sophomore and may be reached at [email protected]