Sparkle’s Hamburger Spot has sloppy, juicy and flavorful burgers for next to nothing.
Burger prices range from $4 to $9, and out of the 16 burgers offered, only two are more than $7. They’re inexpensive, and they’re as wide as your face and thick as your fist.
The average Sparkle’s patty stands roughly an inch tall. A double-meat burger can fit in a to-go box only by being pinned down with a toothpick, and still it peeps out.
The patties too aren’t cute, cookie-cutter patties. They’re hand-formed and vary in shape. They may have dents and pockets, but they’re always huge.
The patties are seasoned in a simple Cajun style, with black pepper and the tiniest hint of salt, and they are served well-done. It’s the Cajun taste that gives the entire burger a kick.
Sparkle’s doesn’t have specialty burgers. The closest would probably be their Chili-Cheese Burger, because of its name. Though the burgers have been seen before on many other burger joints’ menus, the burgers at Sparkle’s stand out because of their size and price.
A jalapeno cheeseburger costs $4.50. The buns are thin and toasted. The cheese melts to coat the patty. On top of the sticky cheese are a flimsy piece of lettuce and a single slice of tomato. The bottom bun is covered in an ocean of jalapenos. Though the burger has jalapenos, lettuce and such, the patty rules in flavor.
Be careful. Sparkle burgers are hardly a task to complete in one sitting, especially their double-meat burgers. All of the burgers have double-meat options, most for just $2 more.
Also, the road to conquering a Sparkle’s burger can get a tad messy.
Sparkle’s Hamburger Spot is a royal blue hut at 1515 Dowling St. It is open from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekends.