Midterms are coming, and for many students they’ve already started. Midterms mean you’re halfway through the semester, and pretty soon, you’ll be celebrating the holiday season. To make the most of your studying time, here are six tips on studying for the midterms.
- Disconnect from distractions
The Internet is the gateway to both knowledge and distraction. Keep your phone more than arms length to prevent the little distractions, and try using productivity tools like Focal Filter and StayFocusd if you need the Internet but not the social media. - Attend study groups and practice review sessions
For classes with overwhelming amounts of information, try splitting chapters between friends and sharing notes several days before the exam. Create physical flashcards or electronic ones with Examtime.com and cram.com, where you may also find ready-made flashcards on the topic of your choosing. - Stay hydrated and exercise
Keep your body functioning by staying hydrated and exercising during breaks. Water alone can help keepcongnition at its prime, and green tea possesses a chemical that helps with creating new brain cells. Exercising boosts dopamine levels, and helps you get focused.Staying focused during finals can be tough but getting enough sleep and planning ahead will help ease the stress. | Diana Nguyen/ The Cougar
- Take breaks
Make sure to keep yourself from getting too stressed by taking short breaks every hour. Get some fresh air, grab some healthy brain food, take a short nap, or even practice yoga, which increases the levels of a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happy and relaxed. - Study in the right atmosphere
Find a quiet, comfortable space, but make sure you won’t be tempted to snooze wherever you go. If silence gets to you, find a playlist on Spotify or create one of your own that’s quiet enough to keep you focused. - Believe in yourself!
Preserve a positive attitude, and persevere through your studies. Self-confidence helps your ability to aim for the best. Tell yourself encouraging things if you feel overwhelmed, and don’t take on too much at once. Keep your motivated mindset going — you got this.