While the Center for Student Media made no new requests for fiscal year 2016, the student organizations within the center proposed their requests.
CSM presented the mobile app initiative, the “Redline.” The app is set for release in January, and will include an enhanced calendar, student media feeds, push notifications and Google analytics. The app will allow the user to view third-party content, such as contests and interactive features.
CSM Director Matt Dulin added that some of the challenges the CSM faces are stability and growing sales revenue. Local advertisements increased 60 percent of ad revenue within the first two months of this fiscal year compared to last FY. Meanwhile, national advertisements are down 50 percent compared to last year.
The Cougar requested an estimated base augmentation total of $4,055. With the income, the organization would be able to make its promotional street team a permanent feature. The program began this spring, increasing the paper’s distribution around campus. There are currently 20 active students who pass out the paper every Wednesday and Thursday.
The Cougar requested an additional BA of $3,000 for marketing in order to increase the organization’s visibility around campus and in the Houston business community. It also requested a one-time allocation amount of an estimated $4,000 for a community manager position. The position would entail moderating The Cougar’s social media sites and leading marketing efforts.
Coog Radio –which is not yet permanently funded by requested an estimated amount a base funding amount of $36,400 for station leadership stipends, marketing, promotion and maintenance and operations. If the request is approved, Coog Radio would be able to provide more educational opportunities and maintain the equipment, as well as maintain physical presence on campus. Thus, with the requested equipment, it will allow the Coog Radio DJs to provide more services for events on campus.
Student Video Network requested permanent program funds in an estimated total of $19,000. Additionally, SVN had a one-time allocation request for an estimated $40,000 to expand the studio as well as purchase field equipment for advanced production and media services.
Correction: October 30, 2014 In the original posting of the article, Redline is the name of the app, not the name of the strategy. The local estimated percentage of local ads have increased by 60 percentage in the first two months this year compared to last year (and that national is down by 50 percentage compared to last year). As for the Street Team, the active roster is around 20 students. Lastly, DJ’s aren’t “hired” – the equipment requested would allow them to provide DJ services to more events on campus. Moreover, Coog Radio requested base funding (permanent); Coog Radio are not permanently funded yet by SFAC.