Houston has a huge foodie culture, including a vast variety of food trucks. Here are a few that can be found around campus.
Eatsie Boys
It can be found across from Agnes Arnold Hall offering a range of mouthwatering sandwiches stuffed to capacity with hearty meats and flavorful ingredients.
Flip ‘n Patties
Filipino street food has never tasted so good. Flip ‘n Patties offers a variety of burgers, appetizers and rice dishes that you will definitely need a napkin for.
Bernie’s Burger Bus
If you’re accustomed to Big Macs, trying any burger from Bernie’s menu will give you well-needed shock — each burger is handmade from scratch.
“Coogs Choose” is a special section produced by The Cougar in collaboration with the Center for Student Media that spotlights students’ favorite places and activities around campus and Houston. Pick up the magazine at campus newsstands until April 22.