It has become obvious that ISIS has no intention to stop blowing people up, nor is anyone seemingly willing to stop them.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple days, you are completely aware that Brussels was attacked; whether it be through the heartwarming Facebook filters or the inundation from the 24-hour news channels. Brussels was the third major attack on a European capitol in the last year and a half, the other two both happening in Paris.
Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence and three times is a pattern. Unsurprisingly, all three of these attacks were claimed by ISIS.
Belgium is a NATO ally, and if they were to declare war on ISIS, the US would be obligated to join in the effort. In response to the Brussels attack, President Obama gave a 52-second speech to fight terrorism, before standing in front of a building displaying a larger than life mural of Che Guevara that also doubles as the headquarters of Cuba’s Ministry of the Interior. Hillary Clinton responded to the attacks as well, saying that the best way to defeat ISIS was through the internet.
This is part of the reason why conservatives scream so loudly when it comes to national security. We’re having to deal with people who think the biggest threat to national security is climate change, won’t call the enemy radical Islamic terrorism and think the best way to defeat people who go into airports and set off bombs is to shut down their Twitter accounts.
Democrats have repeatedly brushed off national security threats, like Obama laughing when Mitt Romney said that Russia was our biggest geopolitical threat.
This is especially true when it comes to that of radical Islamic terror. Not only do they continuously refuse to call a duck a duck, their foreign policy has made the world less safe; it’s impossible to name one area of the world that is safer than it was when Obama took office.
ISIS is slowly bringing Europe to its knees with these coordinated attacks, and the most Democrats can muster up is a sorry to people who have been effected.
Twelve Americans were injured in the Brussels attacks and one is too many. Human beings are dying because a few people in power are not destroying a blatantly obvious enemy.
France arrested a man last week in the “advanced stages” of an attack plot, which would have been the third attack on Paris in less than a year and a half. It’s time to stop setting up vigils, it’s time to stop using generic pray for hashtags, and it’s time to stop giving heartfelt speeches about being with the people of an attacked country. It is time to kill terrorists and utterly destroy ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism.
The sad reality is that it’s only a matter of time before Facebook puts up a British flag filter. Or a German flag filter. Or a United States of America flag filter.
Opinion columnist Jorden Smith is a political science junior and may be reached at [email protected]
“ISIS is slowly bringing Europe to its knees…”
Actually it is liberal and socialists European leaders who have brought Europe to its knees. An example:
Not too long ago Sweden was pretty much all white and Christian. (I am not saying this is a good, or bad thing. I’m just stating a fact.) Sweden was pretty much crime free and liberal Americans would point to Sweden’s healthcare and other social programs as something they thought America could emulate. (The flaws in this logic are too numerous to go into right now.)
But then everything changed and it changed thanks to Sweden’s liberal and socialist leaders, for they radically revised Sweden’s immigration policies opening wide the gates to Muslim immigration. And in doing so they have turned Sweden into a hellhole – a place no American would want to emulate. A place where rape per capita places Sweden in second place in the world. A place where no-go zones are for real. A place where Jews cannot wear anything indicating they are, indeed, Jews. A place where the social programs are tearing at the seams.
So it isn’t ISIS that brought Europe to its knees, it is the idiot liberal politicians who made it all happen, with their short-sighted policies and their PC bullsh*t.
Ummm … didn’t Hillary Clinton say the other day that … ISIS can be defeated with LOVE alone? Or was it the Internet?
ISIS sees SocDems as lobsters in a semi-warm pot of water, all warm and cozy in their political correctness. And with each bombing the the water gets turned up a little more by ISIS, until its either time to action, or for SocDems to stew in their own juices.
Europe is losing its own identity. Countries like Denmark, Sweden, UK, Germany, etc. … they’re dying … with plenty of cancerous growths called Muslim No-Go Zones. All because those people don’t want to assimilate to the culture of their new home countries. Belgium is a Socialists Utopia, and look what ISIS did to them.
And it’s happening in the U.S. as well .. at a slower pace mind you, but it’s happening. Thank God we have private gun ownership, but still with soft targets like airports we are all vulnerable.
ISIS is getting more bold; and in the near future, 6 months, a year or maybe two, they are gonna pull of something that will dwarf what they’ve done so far. It’s in the cards … ISIS are experimenting with poisonous gases and nuclear capabilities, and our ineffective leadership with the SocDem White House, and the worthless GOP Establishment, refuse to see what’s already in front of their faces.
And to Jorden Smith. It took a lot of guts to write this piece, especially with the SocDem den of thieves we reside with as we vie for the betterment of our credentials. It’s a statement that I wouldn’t expect to come out of your department, and I’m glad that you are not intimidated by the SocDems that surround us..
It was written somewhere that the true enemy is war itself, that it is in effect ourselves. An apt phrase if one is astute enough to realize where the ISIS threat really comes from. Also, it is the actions of the US military/paramilitary abroad that make us a target for terrorism; your “kill ’em all” approach will encourage insurgent groups, not discourage them. The fact is, all of us in this country are like the boiled lobster, frog, etc. 90% of people are so into their virtual life, their phone, tv, car, etc. anything short of a nuclear blast is unlikely to wake them. I would say take your pick of these issues before attacking a symptom of them all.
That must be why Muslim jihadists have been waging war against their neighbors ever since Mohammed moved to Medina.
First they killed of the Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians in the Arabian Peninsula and then they moved on from their killing off the Berbers of North Africa, the Buddhists of Afghanistan, etc…
Muslim aggression has absolutely nothing to do with our reactions to it and it has everything to do with the basic tenets of Islam.
Thanks for your ill-informed, conspiracy-theory-laden nonsense. You’ve obviously spent a great deal sucking up misinformation and have never taken a single Middle Eastern Studies course. You see only dramatic effects as broadcast on the Six O’Clock news, without being able to contextualize them in any kind of actual historical framework. Consequently yours is the kind of sloppy thinking that results.
Average folks need no reminders of Obama’s mendacity in the wake of his island junket with the hate-cult of Castro. Recall, Obama flew to Cuba before Easter to pose at a memorial to arch-terrorist Che Guevara. That surreal spectacle was followed by his post-Brussel’s attack interview– between doing the wave at a baseball stadium.
Obama started out the interview joking about Michelle. He then mumbled for the next sixty seconds about how deadly attacks in Brussels would affect… Muslims! “They don’t have a message that appeals to the mass majority of Muslims,” he sputtered. The twit is tone deaf. Who cares about the g-d Muslims? That’s under 10 seconds for each of the nine Americans injured in the attacks including a US serviceman and his family.
Then he climbed up on his hind legs and spent several minutes lecturing us on racism in America. Grotesque.
Why is anyone surprised Obama was posing at a memorial to arch-terrorist Che Guevara in Cuba before the Brussels atrocity? We know mullah Hussein was way, way ahead of ISIS when his official da’wah campaign sent out a tweet just two hours before the ISIS terrorist attack on the “gun free” (defenseless!) Marine recruitment center in Chattanooga that read:
Articles of Impeachment are overdue.
ISIS savages in Brussels, Qaedist killers in Mali and Boko Haram butchers in Nigeria are merely different tentacles of that ancient hydra circum-ambulating around the apartheid forbidden mosque and it’s infernal Ka’aba. Yesterday’s theater of the grotesque was Syria. Today it is Eurabia’s ISIS hijrah and Qaedists in Mali. Tomorrow they vow to maul America’s heartland. The fronts shift but the hydra remains.
War is upon us from Mali to Melbourne to Mumbai to Maiduguri to Moscow to Munich to Merced. And so the only rational alternative to their sharia-inspired madness bears repeating (over and over and over again): The growing belligerence of Islamo-supremacists should remind rational folks anew that mullah Hussein’s “hearts and minds” strategy– relying on (allegedly) “moderate” Muslims to confront (much less defeat) “radical” Muslims– is an exercise in futility. Moderate, radical, Shi’a, Sunni, purple or red doesn’t matter– the paleo-fascist cult called “Islam” must be pacified. Geert Wilders EU speech summed things up succinctly;
“We are at war. War has been declared against the free West. Our freedom, our culture, the future of our country and our children are at stake. We must strike back hard… Let us bomb them.”
With global jihadists still active in the UK, EU, Oz and America’s heartland and Iran pursuing nuclear WMDs, Westerners must resurrect prudent Greatest Generation pacification strategies against Islamo-fascism. Next steps should require loyalty oaths from Muslim immigrants, outlaw the Koran (Mo’s Mein Kampf) and require Muslims individually denounce “sharia” and “jihad” or face internment or expulsion… then invoke the Truman doctrine and glass their ancient evil Ka’aba.
Shinto-fascist beheaders were only pacified the hard way by Democrats. Give 72 hours notice to evacuate, then glass the Ka’aba. Mecca would make a fine proving ground for kinetic bombardment (rods from god) and excellent negotiating leverage against Tehran’s belligerence.
No more Hajj. No more Ring of Tawaf. No more Islam. Checkmate.