On May 11, the Student Government Association’s previously passed grade replacement bill was confirmed to have passed the Undergraduate Committee of the Faculty Senate. While approval from the provost is still needed, students should make their voices heard now so the policy can be passed.
The policy at the moment goes like this: If you received an “F” and in the next time taking the course you get a better letter, the new grade will be averaged with the old one. In a sense, both grades contribute to your overall GPA.
Right now, students who barely pass — or fail a course altogether — have to deal with re-taking the class for an averaged grade or permanently having an “F”.
The current grading policy discourages students from retaking courses and prevents them access to the University’s incentives, most of which consider the student’s GPA.
The second chance UH offers comes with an asterisk. This obstacle can hurt students in their quest for a degree and leave them with no other option to raise their grades.
The passage of this bill and changing the grade replacement policy will allow students to get a legitimate second chance and not be hindered by the previous grade.
With so many additions and renovations being added to UH, it makes sense to offer another incentive for students who want to retake their courses and pay additional tuition.
UH needs to realize that attending college is not as enticing as it once was. Students are leaving school with a large amount of debt and no hope for employment. Changing the grading policy will benefit the school and give students another shot to continue their higher education.
This is more than a petty argument for students to do better. This bill is about giving those who have just started their college careers another opportunity without a major penalty. The notion is important to individuals who need their GPA to have a future.
This isn’t a call to hand out free passes. This is just a concerned student who knows the feeling of having a less-than-perfect college career.
This bill will probably take time to get approved, but it’s nice seeing the initiative that SGA has pushed so hard for is making progress. Hopefully, their action will persuade the provost to approve and implement the new bill.
Opinion editor Frank Campos is a media production senior and may be reached at [email protected].