Guest Commentary Opinion

Guest Column: SGA VP is marginalizing the populace


Protesters marched to City Hall last Thursday to rally about the Black Lives Matter movement. | Thomas Dwyer/The Cougar

The topic of racial injustice and the sensitivity thereof have been an issue since the conception of our country. It has recently been placed at the forefront of media and the average American’s life due to the evident devaluing of minorities’ lives especially African-Americans.

Black Lives Matter is to show solidarity in a time where we are shown the opposite. There are videos showing blacks being publicly executed in the street for traffic stops. Unarmed Americans being murdered and justice not being served because the perpetrators were people who are supposed to be employees of truth and righteousness.

We seek to combat a system that cares little for black lives with its lack of indictment, sentencing and producing lackadaisical responses.

A student elected official at UH has asked that we forget this movement. We forget our lives matter — a notion held by those who don’t share our melanin.

The #removerohini movement is valid and necessary. I am an adamant believer in the First Amendment and, as a soldier in the Army, I have sworn my life to protect it. However, this does not remove consequences from the things one chooses to say in public avenues.

Her position of power is one based on representing her constituency, a task that many of us feel she has failed to do. How can she represent me when she believes I should forget that my life matters, as her Facebook post urged? #AllLivesMatter was created to demean the movement that values black lives.

All lives aren’t being murdered in the street at these rates. They don’t all face unjust incarceration rates or disproportionate sentences for crimes their peers do. All lives aren’t the ones being systemically proven to not matter. Black lives are. As are other minorities.

She should not continue being allowed to serve as a representative for a populace that believes she is wantonly negligent of the country’s current political state and the plights African-Americans face.

She should be held accountable if those she serves ask for it. It’s only American and the right course of action in a democratic setting such as this.

Koran Hackman is a petroleum engineering junior and all opinions are his own. To send a guest column of your own, please contact [email protected].


  • You really need to get your facts straight before you spout all of this outrage. (7% of black deaths are at the hands of blacks. 1% are at the hands of law enforcement.

  • Who let this jackass Hackman write an article? He’s a dumbass manlet with no credentials other than he dates a different cumdumpster white chick every week and plays “army”. These BLM SJW’s are a bunch of entitled college kids who have never faced racism but act like they’ve been mistreated. And next time Koran, get your facts straight before you go off copy pasting lines off of Twitter.

  • When Obama refuses a police request to honor the slain Dallas Police Officers by bathing the WH in Blue … I could not take his comments in Dallas today seriously, and his anti-cop rhetoric is killing the relationship between Black Community and Cop.

    These past 7 going on 8 years have been as surreal as a Dali painting. Everything is backwards. The country is dying on purpose … and terrorists are being martyred by BLM SocDems.

    BLM is a success in reducing police patrols in the hood. The numbers of the BL dead have never been higher in Baltimore, Chicago, etc. Shoot, Margaret Sanger couldn’t be more proud. The increased taking of Black Life … without abortion being involved. Who would have thunk it?

  • Are there no editors at the Cougar? This is one on the poorest written articles I’ve ever read. Like, 8th grade bad. Maybe standards are reduced during the summer?

  • Why is there so much hate in these comments?

    Koran- I do not know you, but your article is FAR from ignorant. I fully support you and agree… #BlackLivesDOMatter

  • The hateful comments show a conspicuous lack of empathy or compassion for a serious and systemic human rights issue. The BLM movement is both valid and needed and is a peaceful one, no matter how many rouges act up and cause the movement a poor reputation for some. Civil Rights advocates of the 1960s both black and white faced far worse accusations and treatment. However, calling for a VP’s head on a pike is also not the answer. The solution is two fold: VP Rohini must make a sincere public atonement and ask for forgiveness with a sincere desire to become a student of this issue and not an antagonist, however indirectly she may have done so and BLM advocates must learn in this instance, to be teachers, not crucifiers. We all learn best when we come to a tense situation with our anger tempered with humility — even if inwardly, we rage. Peace.

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