The online petition calling for the removal of Student Government Association Vice President Rohini Sethi received 239 signatures late Wednesday. | The Cougar News Services
On Wednesday, a UH student filed an online petition calling for the removal of Student Government Association Vice President Rohini Sethi following a controversial Facebook post she made last Thursday.
A Bauer College of Business student, Osayuwa Evbayiro, started the petition and said that Sethi must resign as “this isn’t the ‘voice’ we want portrayed for our university.” The petition is directed at UH President Renu Khator and SGA.
The petition is titled “#RemoveRohini,” based on the hashtag that became a trend on Twitter following Sethi’s post, and concludes with #BlackUHMatters.
SGA has confirmed that they’ve seen the petition, but have declined to comment.
Several individuals commented on the petition voicing their concerns about Sethi. “If my tuition matters, my life matters,” one comment read.
SGA will hold an open forum from 6 to 9 p.m. on July 26 at the Student Center Ballroom regarding this incident.
Rohini Sethi has not replied to multiple requests for comment.
The University is an arm of the government. Sanctioning a citizen for expressing an opinion is clearly a violation of her civil rights as protected by the First Amendment. One can only hope that she gets a lawyer becasue then the University and its fascists will be toast. The response of the University administration is disgraceful. Heads must roll !