It’s safe to say that at this point in the election, both presidential candidates have an abundance of dirty laundry. One in particular is pretty gritty.
One more time, Donald Trump’s sordid past was thrust in the spotlight after a video of the candidate speaking lewdly about his treatment of women to Billy Bush, now-former “Today” show host, surfaced.
The phrase “Grab them by the p—y” has become a catchphrase for comedic outlets like “Saturday Night Live.” News sources like CNN have conducted countless debates over it. Still, evangelical Trump voters remain unconvinced.
Eventually, evangelicals will have to make a decision. Trump should not be an option if morals are what you’re searching for.
Over the course of a month, women have come out against both Trump and Clinton, accusing both of a vast range of misdeeds, ranging from sexual assault to blackmail and terrorizing.
Neither should be exempt from the sins of their pasts, which are returning to publicly haunt them, but there should most definitely be a line drawn at blatant displays of misogyny and willful ignorance.
Trump has never been a candidate who keeps his cards close. He is a powerful man with morals as loose as his tongue and most certainly has already broken most, if not all, of the seven “detestable sins.”
If evangelical voters prefer to turn to religious rhetoric to make their case in support of Trump, perhaps they should look at this scripture from the book of Proverbs (6:16-19).
“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.”
The last one can leave a sour taste on the tongue, considering the state of relations between Democrats and Republicans, blacks and white as well as Americans and immigrants.
Trump is a businessman first. If he has to sell himself to evangelicals by participating in their prayer circles, he will do it.
But let’s not forget that Trump doesn’t “like to have to ask for forgiveness,” which makes sense for a man who never sincerely apologizes for anything.
It’s galling that evangelicals who claim to be disgusted by Trump continue to back him and his lame “locker-room talk” excuse. In essence, they have chosen to cast aside their moral principles to defend a man who holds none of their values since he promises to “make America great again.”
Comparing to developing countries, U.S. is undoubtedly already great. How long will that last, though, with a president who doesn’t appreciate the multicultural roots of his country or everyone’s part in it — including women?
If there ever was a heathen to worry about, Trump is the devil’s magnum opus. That’s just if we want to be religious about the election because, you know, we can’t have women getting abortions and gays marrying, right?
Wrong. So, so wrong.
Wake up, evangelicals. You’re being fooled.
Senior staff columnist Caprice Carter is a communication junior and can be reached at [email protected].
Basically, your opinion is that murder is okay, correct?
Yup. That’s what the columnist said, I read it right up there.
Oh wait… no I didn’t, because that’s not relevant to this article at all.
Young Carter is another TDC columnist who is scared of Trump.
Now she’s trying to convince religious people to abandon Trump!
Her tripe makes me LOL … a Democrat, who is part of a political party that ABHORS Religion … is writing to tell Religious people that they are wrong about Trump.
TDC columnists have no shame. They will write everything negative about Trump. but refuse to see the true REALITY of Hillary Clinton.
If anyone is being fooled, it’s the readers of this so-called paper … who actually believe everything that is printed here.
I know there is a HIDDEN TRUMP vote that the media hasn’t account for, until the votes have been counted.