There just isn’t any way around it. After much denial, and even some tears, I am ready for what lies ahead.
My reaction piece to Donald Trump’s victory was a bit overdone, mostly because it was written two days before he won. I honestly didn’t think I would be publishing that version of what unfolded last night.
No, there is no pending apocalypse coming. There is just a country that is obviously divided after a stunning election. We still must come together and face our decision head on. That is an important part we have to remember.
We are here because that is what we decided as a country.
Deserve a chance?
Please don’t feel bad for me: The Cubs didn’t lose the World Series, I’m alive and I’m a happy U.S. citizen with a couple of semesters left until graduation. Sure, I have brown skin and my name is actually Francisco Campos, but, compared to some others, I will be just fine.
I worry about the possibilities of a Trump presidency and cringe at those Republicans who say to give him a chance. People have been giving him a chance since his father lent him $1 million.
Now, Trump is president-elect, and we have seen nothing but a history of bad decisions, bankruptcy and people left behind as he goes to the top. Now, he will be our commander-in-chief in a little over two months.
I witnessed over eight years of Republican voters and politicians demonize President Barack Obama from the moment he decided to run to the second he got into office. Obama was a polarizing candidate who pushed equality and justice for minorities.
For this, they tore Obama apart. Now, those same people are asking others to wait and see on Trump.
You are just fooling yourself if you think Trump won’t, at some point, revert back to the man we all know he is. He will. Maybe not tomorrow, or in two months, but I fear that he will eventually make us all regret the moment we decided to give him a chance.
My cautious approach to Trump doesn’t mean I am ready to revolt or give up on life. I am just a minority in a world that keeps telling me it wants to be white. While that doesn’t make everyone racists or bigots, it doesn’t change the fact that we elected one.
Now, if you're unwilling to talk about what this data means, then you're not ready to talk about the work ahead.
— deray (@deray) November 9, 2016
Fifty-three percent of white women voted for Trump even as he is being investigated for sexual assault, has admitted to grabbing women by their genitals and has zero respect for women and what should be their basic rights.
Sixty-three percent of white men voted for a man who has promised to put a ban on Muslims, make stop and frisk legal nationwide and deport 11 million undocumented people regardless of situation.
Latino exit poll numbers favor Clinton, but Trump still survived despite the speculation that the minority turnout would be his final nail in the coffin.
I don’t understand why it’s so hard for minorities to realize that the only way we will be heard is by participating. Talking with your neighbors, tweeting and posting on Facebook do not count. You have to make your way to the polls and vote.
Also, just over 46 percent of the voting population couldn’t even bother themselves to vote. Half of our country let the other half decide. You truly reap what you sow.
Change in sight
I grew up with a father who illegally crossed the border and have seen first hand what a good and hardworking man can do, if given the opportunity. I have worked alongside Iraqi interpreters during my time in the military and have personally seen people of the Muslim faith risk their lives, and their family’s, just to help us on missions.
I am half Mexican and half Puerto Rican and have experienced racism on a personal level from police, friends and strangers.
This is why I can’t wait and see: Trump has threatened a lot of the ideals that I hold dear, and I refuse to give him my respect and confidence because he is president. By the grace of God and my constitution, I will do whatever I please.
We really can’t just wash away everything from the last 18 months, can we? Sure, he will be in a position of power that calls for patience, grace and poise, but that does not change who he is behind the politician he has formed himself into.
Trump’s success in the White House is not hindered on my support or of those disappointed in the election results. I honestly pray that he finds a way to be a president for everyone, and hope Trump isn’t too influenced by those who promised they could get him the presidency like Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie.
People are right — we must come together and accept the results. I have accepted it and I will come together to make positive changes.
I won’t, however, give president-elect Trump a chance to disappoint me by thinking that more power will make him humble or a changed man.
Opinion editor Frank Campos is a media production senior and can be reached at [email protected]
The way you try and spin race based election statistics is sad. Have you stopped and maybe thought about the fact that there are tens of millions of trump voters who are also honest, patriotic, hardworking people. The rhetoric being spread around by writers like you is that a vote for trump automatically means hatred and bigotry in the heart of the voter. That is false and it demeans the votes of good people.
We can delve into the numbers and interpret them a thousand different ways, but the fact is that good people voted for Clinton and good people also voted for Trump.
First off, it’s a pity you were too young to witness the ‘demonization’ of George Bush. Obama has been treated with kid gloves compared to Bush. Even the Presidents who are great, from the time of Adams, suffer similar criticism. That being said, history will show how inept the Obama Administration was. It seems to be an ongoing trend in Presidential Administrations for the last 30 years. As for what a President is supposed to do is simply be our leader and uphold our Constitution. The Preamble is pretty succinct:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
If Trump can do those things above, well, he’s done his job. The rest is on you and every other individual in this country.
Actually, I can say, almost unequivocally, as a senior History major, the verdict of History toward Obama will be far less harsh than you imagine. The verdict on Trump’s populist racism, Islamaphobia, misogyny, and numerous other publically demonstrated acts of white, male supremacy and those of his fans at his publically-recorded rallies, not to mention his choice of inept, cronies to fill key administrative posts, will not be regarded kindly. You may disagree all you please, but respectable historians use recorded primary evidence and actual records as the basis for their conclusions, not what they think will be popularly received or sell monographs. Trump may be able to dodge the pop media in these days of transition; avoiding his own legacy and footprint in the annals of Presidential history he cannot.
The Millennial’s reaction to the Election Results shows that the Country has a great number of spoiled brats. Some actually think they will be … Jailed.
I hope employers are taking note of these kids who expect to be employed soon or in the coming years. If they don’t get what they want … they break down and cry.
Yes, when these little kids from cry … the Socialist Profs say “you don’t have to take that test.
Have a pizza during class, or get counseling …. or … they offer therapy dogs.
Hey Frank, instead of giving us “My trash opinion pt. 2” why don’t you go out and “protest” with the rest of your friends and while you’re gone we can give your position to someone who won’t whine via bad articles?
“Please don’t feel bad for me.”
Were we supposed to?
The Consequence of FORCED $15 MinWage.
Suicide Help Lines crammed following Trump Win …. but like Celebrities lying about leaving the Country after a Trump victory .. they’re lying.
Progressives don’t have enough Guts to commit SUICIDE. They’re Wimps, fragile human beings, whose mentality in on the level of 5 or 6 year olds when they LOSE.
Trump protest on campus … underwhelming.