The world needs more of Justin Normand, the man who stands outside the Islamic Center of Irving with a sign that reads “You belong. Stay strong. Be blessed. We are one America.”
In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need him at all. We wouldn’t need people standing with a sign to reassure others that they are, indeed, people who deserve to be treated as such.
Most Americans are excellent at not being jerks to people who are different to them. However, there are a token few who ruin it for everyone else. These are the few who should be stopped wherever they are at: the bus stop, in line for food and within earshot of other Americans who do not think the same way.
Such rhetoric has no place in a public setting.
Recently, many people have found it OK to call out those they do not share similarities with. Normand, however, represents the type of person that all Americans should strive to be.
This country is made up of people from different backgrounds who all have dreams to be better than they already are.
Superman said it best when he adorned the cover of a 1949 school textbook: “Remember, boys And girls, your school — like our country — is made up of Americans of many different races, religions and national origins. So if YOU hear anybody talk against a schoolmate or anyone else because of his religion, race or national origin, don’t wait: tell him THAT KIND OF TALK IS UN-AMERICAN.”
Can you remember the last time Superman was wrong about something?
To call people out and disparage them for what they believe in, or how they dress, is about as un-American as it gets. It hurts to see how we fight for freedom, the right to choose leaders and other classic American-sounding values around the world, but some of us at home can’t even handle people who clothe themselves differently.
To not know about other cultures is to be a human being. To have prejudice toward what you do not understand is outright ignorance.
Learn about those who are different from you. Most important of all, embrace them, and the unique qualities that they bring to this country.
I would be remiss if I did not bring President-elect Donald Trump into this social conundrum. Trump certainly had a rhetoric when he was running for president, which did not bode well for immigrants, especially Muslims.
When he won, people took that as an unspoken mandate that it was OK to take his rhetoric into their own hands and dole it out upon minorities.
Many groups, such as the “alt-right,” saw it as a sort of signal to do so. There are even videos of them hailing Trump and his presidential victory complete with a few “Seig Heils.”
I’m not suggesting that this behavior is what Trump was going for when he set out to lead the U.S., but it is dangerous, virulent and allow perpetrators to comfortably carry out that narrative as long as Trump condones it.
While Trump spoke against it at his latest victory rally, he must continue to emphasize that we are all Americans under the same flag and deserve the same respect.
This country is for everyone willing to put in the work and contribute to society regardless of color, creed or origin.
Assistant opinion Thomas Dwyer broadcast journalism sophomore and can be reached at [email protected]
The Elephant in the Room in this piece is Ohio State. And Little Tommy doesn’t even mention it. And it was just one week ago.
Yes, OSU students being car rammed and knife attacked by an ISIS inspired Somali kid, and Little Tommy gives nary a thought to the event as he tries to indoctrinate us into accepting our infidel hating friends.
Thank goodness our campus is not as large as OSU’s, and our vehicle paths are not prevalent as the theirs, but the UH campus still offers opportunities (or bottlenecks) for ISIS inspired copy-cat students to make their mark.
After OSU, virtually any Muslim student on campus is capable of an ISIS inspired attack on the UH Student Body. I mean, the terror kid graduated from high school 6-months ago, and after being on the OSU campus a little over 3 months he was enraged enough to wound (thankfully not kill) his fellow students in an attack that could have been much worse. And some people on OSU want to consider him a victim in the tragedy.
Little Tommy is a joke. I mean, look at the women in the picture. Islamic women are treated like dirt … they are dressed in rags, hair covered, and haven’t a voice in their own universe.
Most Muslims would love to see Gays skewered over a fire or thrown off building tops, and Little Tommy calls for us to tell them … they belong. And when it comes to Christian CHILDREN, ISIS has no problem throwing them in Dough Kneeders to cause their demise. Sickening.
I know there are some Good Muslims out there, those that do not take the Koran literal, but who is to say they will not be drawn to the dark side of Islam … radicalization in a matter of weeks. I’m sorry to be a party pooper, but there is a cold reality out there that Tommy avoids.
Yes, Little Tommy has a big bleeding heart thinking that most Muslims want to be good Americans, when a good number want Sharia Law to trump American Law. Respect for Women by Muslim men is non-existent. Christians and Gays should not exist.
So … Little Tommy you can think what you think. But you remind me of the people on top of that LA tower … just before the unvetted Alien craft … blew them up.
Hey Tommy … you must have a closet full of … participation trophies.