The University of Houston allows students to take advantage of opportunities that allow for personal growth and the pursuit of leisurely activities such as relaxing at the fountain on the eve of finals. | Jorden Smith/The Cougar
The best decision I’ve made in my life so far was to attend the University of Houston. During my time on campus, I have been able to participate in opportunities that I could never have dreamed of in high school.
All of this is thanks to UH and the opportunities the school provides to all of its students.
So here is a modicum of advice to everyone: Take advantage of the opportunities you’re provided at UH.
There is always something happening on campus — an artistic event, a speaker who has a story to tell and a message to give, or a career fair that will connect you with employers you never knew you never knew. These opportunities give each student the opportunity to better themselves both personally and professionally.
And you may never get these opportunities again. College is the one time when you have at least some time to attend these kinds of events. After this, being an actual adult catches up.
It helps that UH is located in the fourth largest city in the United States — the oil and gas capital of the country. Jobs are right here for the taking, even if they are not in your major. There are many career fairs, and employers are always looking for new employees. That new employee could be you.
Many of UH’s esteemed professors have already worked in their respective field, so they know the industry better than any job-listing site. Use your professors to make connections and learn about your major. It’ll pay-off in the end, and UH professors are usually pretty cool people as well.
But UH doesn’t just offer amazing career and personal growth opportunities; there is so much more to the campus than just academics and future job prospects.
UH has an amazing Campus Recreation and Wellness Center that offers tools to better for students to better their physical health.
Whether you join a fitness class taught by certified student-instructors, play a game of pickup (or intramural) basketball, or you just want to work out, use the Rec to your advantage. Right now a gym membership is included in your tuition. Once you leave UH and find yourself stuck in the often-vaunted real world, a gym membership can be really expensive — and you have to decide which one works for you.
UH is also an extremely beautiful campus. During the better-weather months, not including August and May or in some years September and April, it is an absolute pleasure to sit outside. Some professors routinely allow students to trade the stuffy classroom for class on the grass.
There is a whole campus to explore and all of it is pretty amazing to bask in, especially when all the conditions are perfect. UH did an expert job planning the tree coverage.
So take advantage of the fall days when the wind is calmly blowing in cooler, welcome wind. Take a nice walk around campus, sit in the shade of a full-grown tree and study. Now that the fountains have finished hibernation, they provide another great place to sit (and take pictures).
When else in your life are you going to be able to take time for walks? Retirement? With the way Social Security is losing money, you may not even get to retire unless you’ve saved for years.
So fellow students, use this amazing campus. There’s so much to be seen and done on this campus. You made the right choice coming to UH. Now build on that choice by doing everything this wonderful University has to offer you.
Assistant opinion editor Jorden Smith is a political science and creative writing junior and can be reached at [email protected]