The CoogTV executive board held virtual lessons to go over common video production skills to employ at home. | Screenshot from CoogTV
When the coronavirus pandemic first transitioned the world into a virtual setting, content creators worldwide made the adjustment to working from home. Here at the University, students at CoogTV are facing the challenge of making video content remotely.
At the start, the organization struggled with producing the same quality content they were accustomed to making in the studio. Without the camera, audio and lighting equipment easily available, CoogTV members were using their personal video equipment.
“There were definitely plenty of issues when we were getting started with at-home content,” said media production senior and life and arts producer Emily Frazee.
“At the beginning, we had several video submissions with poor lighting, sound and framing, but I was still so proud of our organization for working through it,” Frazee added.
In an effort to boost content, the executive board held virtual lessons to go over technical skills including lighting, sound, framing and background with members. They additionally went over on-camera presence.
Without a clear timeline of when the coronavirus pandemic will end, the executive board wanted to provide these resources on how to better make video content from home.
“Because of the issues we were seeing from the first few videos, the executive board decided to host a virtual seminar for at-home productions,” Frazee said.
“Since we still don’t really know how productions are going to work when we get back to campus, we thought it’d be beneficial to go ahead and cover the most important aspects of production from home so our members all feel comfortable recording on their own,” Frazee added.
Despite having limited control on what quality of equipment members have access to at home, CoogTV has been trying to emphasize making the best type of content possible.
“Each section went over how members can get the best quality video from materials they have at home,” Frazee said. “The key is really giving viewers something to watch by creating the best thing they can with whatever they have. At the end of the day, viewers will forgive footage shot from a cell phone if it’s truly good content.”
For Frazee, one the biggest struggles has been training herself and others through her new position. Despite virtual training and meetings, Frazee still doesn’t feel fully ready to tackle the role.
“I think the greatest difficulty of this situation has been the training,” Frazee said. “I feel so unprepared and in the dark about my position and my specific responsibilities as a producer. I’ve had many virtual meetings and a training seminar, which have been nice, but I still don’t feel prepared.”
For more of The Cougar’s coronavirus coverage, click here.